POWER Vector Library Manual  1.0.4
Macros | Functions
vec_bcd_ppc.h File Reference

Header package containing a collection of Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) computation and Zoned Character conversion operations on vector registers. More...

#include <pveclib/vec_common_ppc.h>
#include <pveclib/vec_char_ppc.h>
#include <pveclib/vec_int128_ppc.h>

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#define vBCD_t   vui32_t
 vector signed BCD integer of up to 31 decimal digits. More...
#define vbBCD_t   vb32_t
 vector vector bool from 128-bit signed BCD integer.
#define _BCD_CONST_PLUS_NINES   ((vBCD_t) CONST_VINT128_DW128(0x9999999999999999, 0x999999999999999c))
 vector signed BCD constant +9s.
#define _BCD_CONST_PLUS_ONE   ((vBCD_t) CONST_VINT128_DW128(0, 0x1c))
 vector signed BCD constant +1.
#define _BCD_CONST_MINUS_ONE   ((vBCD_t) CONST_VINT128_DW128(0, 0x1d))
 vector signed BCD constant -1.
#define _BCD_CONST_ZERO   ((vBCD_t) CONST_VINT128_DW128(0, 0x0c))
 vector signed BCD constant +0.
#define _BCD_CONST_SIGN_MASK   ((vBCD_t) CONST_VINT128_DW128(0, 0xf))
 vector BCD sign mask in bits 124:127.


static vui64_t vec_BCD2BIN (vBCD_t val)
 Convert vector of 2 x unsigned 16-digit BCD values to vector 2 x doubleword binary values. More...
static _Decimal128 vec_BCD2DFP (vBCD_t val)
 Convert a Vector Signed BCD value to __Decimal128. More...
static vBCD_t vec_BIN2BCD (vui64_t val)
 Convert vector unsigned doubleword binary values to Vector unsigned 16-digit BCD values. More...
static vBCD_t vec_DFP2BCD (_Decimal128 val)
 Convert a __Decimal128 value to Vector BCD. More...
static vBCD_t vec_bcdadd (vBCD_t a, vBCD_t b)
 Decimal Add Signed Modulo Quadword. More...
static vBCD_t vec_bcdaddcsq (vBCD_t a, vBCD_t b)
 Decimal Add & write Carry Signed Quadword. More...
static vBCD_t vec_bcdaddecsq (vBCD_t a, vBCD_t b, vBCD_t c)
 Decimal Add Extended & write Carry Signed Quadword. More...
static vBCD_t vec_bcdaddesqm (vBCD_t a, vBCD_t b, vBCD_t c)
 Decimal Add Extended Signed Modulo Quadword. More...
static vBCD_t vec_bcdcfsq (vi128_t vrb)
 Vector Decimal Convert From Signed Quadword returning up to 31 BCD digits. More...
static vBCD_t vec_bcdcfud (vui64_t vrb)
 Vector Decimal Convert From Unsigned doubleword returning up to 2x16 BCD digits. More...
static vBCD_t vec_bcdcfuq (vui128_t vra)
 Vector Decimal Convert From Unsigned Quadword returning up to 32 BCD digits. More...
static vBCD_t vec_bcdcfz (vui8_t vrb)
 Vector Decimal Convert From Zoned. More...
static vbBCD_t vec_bcdcmp_eqsq (vBCD_t vra, vBCD_t vrb)
 Vector Compare Signed BCD Quadword for equal. More...
static vbBCD_t vec_bcdcmp_gesq (vBCD_t vra, vBCD_t vrb)
 Vector Compare Signed BCD Quadword for greater than or equal. More...
static vbBCD_t vec_bcdcmp_gtsq (vBCD_t vra, vBCD_t vrb)
 Vector Compare Signed BCD Quadword for greater than. More...
static vbBCD_t vec_bcdcmp_lesq (vBCD_t vra, vBCD_t vrb)
 Vector Compare Signed BCD Quadword for less than or equal. More...
static vbBCD_t vec_bcdcmp_ltsq (vBCD_t vra, vBCD_t vrb)
 Vector Compare Signed BCD Quadword for less than. More...
static vbBCD_t vec_bcdcmp_nesq (vBCD_t vra, vBCD_t vrb)
 Vector Compare Signed BCD Quadword for not equal. More...
static int vec_bcdcmpeq (vBCD_t vra, vBCD_t vrb)
 Vector Compare Signed BCD Quadword for equal. More...
static int vec_bcdcmpge (vBCD_t vra, vBCD_t vrb)
 Vector Compare Signed BCD Quadword for greater than or equal. More...
static int vec_bcdcmpgt (vBCD_t vra, vBCD_t vrb)
 Vector Compare Signed BCD Quadword for greater than. More...
static int vec_bcdcmple (vBCD_t vra, vBCD_t vrb)
 Vector Compare Signed BCD Quadword for less than or equal. More...
static int vec_bcdcmplt (vBCD_t vra, vBCD_t vrb)
 Vector Compare Signed BCD Quadword for less than. More...
static int vec_bcdcmpne (vBCD_t vra, vBCD_t vrb)
 Vector Compare Signed BCD Quadword for not equal. More...
static vBCD_t vec_bcdcpsgn (vBCD_t vra, vBCD_t vrb)
 Vector copy sign BCD. More...
static vi128_t vec_bcdctsq (vBCD_t vra)
 Vector Decimal Convert to Signed Quadword. More...
static vui8_t vec_bcdctub (vBCD_t vra)
 Vector Decimal Convert Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) digit pairs to binary unsigned bytes . More...
static vui16_t vec_bcdctuh (vBCD_t vra)
 Vector Decimal Convert groups of 4 BCD digits to binary unsigned halfwords. More...
static vui32_t vec_bcdctuw (vBCD_t vra)
 Vector Decimal Convert groups of 8 BCD digits to binary unsigned words. More...
static vui64_t vec_bcdctud (vBCD_t vra)
 Vector Decimal Convert groups of 16 BCD digits to binary unsigned doublewords. More...
static vui128_t vec_bcdctuq (vBCD_t vra)
 Vector Decimal Convert groups of 32 BCD digits to binary unsigned quadword. More...
static vui8_t vec_bcdctz (vBCD_t vrb)
 Vector Decimal Convert To Zoned. More...
static vBCD_t vec_bcddiv (vBCD_t a, vBCD_t b)
 Divide a Vector Signed BCD 31 digit value by another BCD value. More...
static vBCD_t vec_bcddive (vBCD_t a, vBCD_t b)
 Decimal Divide Extended. More...
static vBCD_t vec_bcdmul (vBCD_t a, vBCD_t b)
 Multiply two Vector Signed BCD 31 digit values. More...
static vBCD_t vec_bcdmulh (vBCD_t a, vBCD_t b)
 Vector Signed BCD Multiply High. More...
static vBCD_t vec_bcds (vBCD_t vra, vi8_t vrb)
 Decimal Shift. Shift a vector signed BCD value, left or right a variable amount of digits (nibbles). The sign nibble is preserved. More...
static vBCD_t vec_bcdsetsgn (vBCD_t vrb)
 Vector Set preferred BCD Sign. More...
static vBCD_t vec_bcdslqi (vBCD_t vra, const unsigned int _N)
 Vector BCD Shift Right Signed Quadword. More...
static vBCD_t vec_bcdsluqi (vBCD_t vra, const unsigned int _N)
 Vector BCD Shift Right unsigned Quadword. More...
static vBCD_t vec_bcdsr (vBCD_t vra, vi8_t vrb)
 Decimal Shift and Round. Shift a vector signed BCD value, left or right a variable amount of digits (nibbles). The sign nibble is preserved. If byte element 7 of the shift count is negative (right shift), and the last digit shifted out is greater then or equal to 5, then increment the shifted magnitude by 1. More...
static vBCD_t vec_bcdsrqi (vBCD_t vra, const unsigned int _N)
 Vector BCD Shift Right Signed Quadword Immediate. More...
static vBCD_t vec_bcdsrrqi (vBCD_t vra, const unsigned int _N)
 Vector BCD Shift Right and Round Signed Quadword Immediate. More...
static vBCD_t vec_bcdsruqi (vBCD_t vra, const unsigned int _N)
 Vector BCD Shift Right Unsigned Quadword immediate. More...
static vBCD_t vec_bcdsub (vBCD_t a, vBCD_t b)
 Subtract two Vector Signed BCD 31 digit values. More...
static vBCD_t vec_bcdsubcsq (vBCD_t a, vBCD_t b)
 Decimal Sudtract & write Carry Signed Quadword. More...
static vBCD_t vec_bcdsubecsq (vBCD_t a, vBCD_t b, vBCD_t c)
 Decimal Add Extended & write Carry Signed Quadword. More...
static vBCD_t vec_bcdsubesqm (vBCD_t a, vBCD_t b, vBCD_t c)
 Decimal Subtract Extended Signed Modulo Quadword. More...
static vBCD_t vec_bcdtrunc (vBCD_t vra, vui16_t vrb)
 Decimal Truncate. Truncate a vector signed BCD value vra to N-digits, where N is the unsigned integer value in bits 48-63 of vrb. The first 31-N digits are set to 0 and the result returned. More...
static vBCD_t vec_bcdtruncqi (vBCD_t vra, const unsigned short _N)
 Decimal Truncate Quadword Immediate. Truncate a vector signed BCD value vra to N-digits, where N is a unsigned short integer constant. The first 31-N digits are set to 0 and the result returned. More...
static vBCD_t vec_bcdus (vBCD_t vra, vi8_t vrb)
 Decimal Unsigned Shift. Shift a vector unsigned BCD value, left or right a variable amount of digits (nibbles). More...
static vBCD_t vec_bcdutrunc (vBCD_t vra, vui16_t vrb)
 Decimal Unsigned Truncate. Truncate a vector unsigned BCD value vra to N-digits, where N is the unsigned integer value in bits 48-63 of vrb. The first 32-N digits are set to 0 and the result returned. More...
static vBCD_t vec_bcdutruncqi (vBCD_t vra, const unsigned short _N)
 Decimal Unsigned Truncate Quadword Immediate. Truncate a vector unsigned BCD value vra to N-digits, where N is a unsigned short integer constant. The first 32-N digits are set to 0 and the result returned. More...
static vBCD_t vec_cbcdaddcsq (vBCD_t *cout, vBCD_t a, vBCD_t b)
 Combined Decimal Add & Write Carry Signed Quadword. More...
static vBCD_t vec_cbcdaddecsq (vBCD_t *cout, vBCD_t a, vBCD_t b, vBCD_t cin)
 Combined Decimal Add Extended & write Carry Signed Quadword. More...
static vBCD_t vec_cbcdmul (vBCD_t *p_high, vBCD_t a, vBCD_t b)
 Combined Vector Signed BCD Multiply High/Low. More...
static vBCD_t vec_cbcdsubcsq (vBCD_t *cout, vBCD_t a, vBCD_t b)
 Combined Decimal Subtract & Write Carry Signed Quadword. More...
static vf64_t vec_pack_Decimal128 (_Decimal128 lval)
 Pack a FPR pair (_Decimal128) to a doubleword vector (vector double). More...
static _Decimal128 vec_quantize0_Decimal128 (_Decimal128 val)
 Quantize (truncate) a _Decimal128 value before convert to BCD. More...
static vui8_t vec_rdxcf100b (vui8_t vra)
 Vector Decimal Convert Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) digit pairs from radix 100 binary integer bytes. More...
static vui8_t vec_rdxcf10kh (vui16_t vra)
 Vector Decimal Convert radix 10,000 Binary halfwords to pairs of radix 100 binary bytes. More...
static vui16_t vec_rdxcf100mw (vui32_t vra)
 Vector Decimal Convert radix 10**8 Binary words to pairs of radix 10,000 binary halfwords. More...
static vui32_t vec_rdxcf10E16d (vui64_t vra)
 Vector Decimal Convert radix 10**16 Binary doublewords to pairs of radix 10**8 binary words. More...
static vui64_t vec_rdxcf10e32q (vui128_t vra)
 Vector Decimal Convert radix 10**32 Binary quadword to pairs of radix 10**16 binary doublewords. More...
static vui8_t vec_rdxcfzt100b (vui8_t zone00, vui8_t zone16)
 Vector Decimal Convert Zoned Decimal digit pairs to to radix 100 binary integer bytes.. More...
static vui8_t vec_rdxct100b (vui8_t vra)
 Vector Decimal Convert Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) digit pairs to radix 100 binary integer bytes. More...
static vui16_t vec_rdxct10kh (vui8_t vra)
 Vector Decimal Convert radix 100 digit pairs to radix 10,000 binary integer halfwords. More...
static vui32_t vec_rdxct100mw (vui16_t vra)
 Vector Decimal Convert radix 10,000 digit halfword pairs to radix 100,000,000 binary integer words. More...
static vui64_t vec_rdxct10E16d (vui32_t vra)
 Vector Decimal Convert radix 100,000,000 digit word pairs to radix 10E16 binary integer doublewords. More...
static vui128_t vec_rdxct10e32q (vui64_t vra)
 Vector Decimal Convert radix 10E16 digit pairs to radix 10E32 __int128 quadwords. More...
static vb128_t vec_setbool_bcdinv (vBCD_t vra)
 Vector Set Bool from Signed BCD Quadword if invalid. More...
static vb128_t vec_setbool_bcdsq (vBCD_t vra)
 Vector Set Bool from Signed BCD Quadword. More...
static int vec_signbit_bcdsq (vBCD_t vra)
 Vector Sign bit from Signed BCD Quadword. More...
static _Decimal128 vec_unpack_Decimal128 (vf64_t lval)
 Unpack a doubleword vector (vector double) into a FPR pair. (_Decimal128). More...
static vui128_t vec_zndctuq (vui8_t zone00, vui8_t zone16)
 Vector Zoned Decimal Convert 32 digits to binary unsigned quadword. More...

Detailed Description

Header package containing a collection of Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) computation and Zoned Character conversion operations on vector registers.

Many of these operations are implemented in a single VMX or DFP instruction on newer (POWER8/POWER9) processors. This header serves to fill in functional gaps for older (POWER7, POWER8) processors (using existing VMX, VSX, and DFP instructions) and provides in-line assembler implementations for older compilers that do not provide the built-ins.

Starting with POWER6 introduced a Decimal Floating-point (DFP) Facility implementing the IEEE 754-2008 revision standard. This is implemented in hardware as an independent Decimal Floating-point Unit (DFU). This is supported with ISO C/C++ language bindings and runtime libraries.

The DFP Facility supports a different data format Densely packed decimal (DPD and a more extensive set of operations then BCD or Zoned. So DFP and the comprehensive C language and runtime library support makes it a better target for new business oriented applications. As the DFP Facility supports conversions between DPD and BCD, existing DFP operations can be used to emulate BCD operations on older processors and fill in operational gaps in the vector BCD instruction set.

As DFP is supported directly in the hardware and has extensive language and runtime support, there is little that PVECLIB can contribute to general decimal radix computation. However the vector unit and recent BCD and Zoned extensions can still be useful in areas include large order multiple precision computation and conversions between binary and decimal radix. Both are required to convert large decimal numeric or floating-point values with extreme exponents for input or print.

So what operations are needed, what does the PowerISA provide, and what does the ABI and/or compiler provide. Some useful operations include:

The original VMX (AKA Altivec) only defined a few instructions that operated on the 128-bit vector as a whole. This included the vector shifts by bit and octet, and generalized vector permute, general binary integer add, subtract and multiply for byte/halfword/word. But no BCD or decimal character operations.

POWER6 introduced the Decimal Floating-point Facility. DFP provides a robust set of operations with 7 (_Decimal32), 16 (_Decimal64), and 34 (_Decimal128) digit precision. Arithmetic operations include add, subtract, multiply, divide, and compare. Special operations insert/extract exponent, quantize, and digit shift. Conversions to and from signed (31-digits) and unsigned (32-digit) BCD. And conversions to and from binary signed long (64-bit) integer. DFP operations use the existing floating-point registers (FPRs). The 128-bit DFP (quadword) instructions operate on even/odd 64-bit Floating-point register pairs (FPRp).

POWER6 also implemented the Vector Facility (VMX) instructions. No additional vectors operations where added and the Vector Registers (VRs) where separate from the GRPs and FPRs. The only transfer data path between register sets is via storage. So while the DFP Facility could be used for BCD operations and conversions, there was little synergy with the vector unit, in POWER6.

POWER7 introduced the VSX facility providing 64x128-bit Vector Scalar Registers (VSRs) that overlaid both the FPRs (VSRs 0-31) and VRs (VSRs 32-63). It also added useful doubleword permute immediate (xxpermdi) and logical/select operations with access to all 64 VSRs. This greatly simplifies data transfers between VRs and FPRs (FPRps) (see vec_pack_Decimal128(), vec_unpack_Decimal128()). This makes it more practical to transfer vector contents to the DFP Facility for processing (see vec_BCD2DFP() and vec_DFP2BCD().

All the BCD instructions and the quadword binary add/subtract are defined as vector class and can only access vector registers (VSRs 32-63). The DFP instructions can only access FPRs (VSRs 0-31). So only a VSX instruction (like xxpermdi) can perform the transfer without going through storage.

POWER8 added vector add/subtract modulo/carry/extend unsigned quadword for binary integer (vector [unsigned] __int128). This combined with the wider (word) multiply greatly enhances multiple precision operations on large (> 128-bit) binary numbers. POWER8 also added signed BCD add/subtract instructions with up to 31-digits. While the PowerISA did not provide carry/extend forms of bcdadd/bcdsub, it does set a condition code with bits for GT/LT/EQ/OVF. This allows for implementations of BCD compare and the overflow (OVF) bit supports carry/extend operations. Also the lack of BCD multiply/divide in the vector unit is not a problem because we can leverage DFP (see vec_bcdmul(), vec_bcddiv()).

POWER9 (PowerISA 3.0B) adds BCD copy sign, set sign, shift, round, and truncate instructions. There are also unsigned (32-digit) forms of the shift and truncate instructions. And instructions to convert between signed BCD and quadword (__int128) and signed BCD and Zoned. POWER9 also added quadword binary multiply 10 with carry extend forms than can also help with decimal to binary conversion.

The OpenPOWER ABI does have an Appendix B. Binary-Coded Decimal Built-In Functions and proposes that compilers provide a bcd.h header file. At this time no compiler provides this header. GCC does provides compiler built-ins to generate the bcdadd/bcdsub instructions and access the associated condition codes in if statements. GCC also provides built-ins to generate the DFP instruction encode/decode to and from BCD.

The compiler disables built-ins if the mcpu target does not enable the specific instruction. For example if you compile with -mcpu=power7, __builtin_bcdadd and __builtin_bcdsub are not supported. But vec_bcdadd() is always defined in this header, will generate the minimum code, appropriate for the target, and produce correct results.

This header covers operations that are either:

See Returning extended quadword results. for more background on extended quadword computation.

Endian problems with quadword implementations

Technically, operations on quadword elements should not require any endian specific transformation. There is only one element so there can be no confusion about element numbering or order. However some of the more complex quadword operations are constructed from operations on smaller elements. And those operations as provided by <altivec.h> are required by the OpenPOWER ABI to be endian sensitive. See Endian problems with doubleword operations for a more detailed discussion.

In any case, the arithmetic (high to low) order of digit nibbles in BCD or characters in Zoned are defined in the PowerISA. In the vector register, high order digits are on the left while low order digits and the sign are on the right. (See vec_bcdadd() and vec_bcdsub()). So pveclib implementations will need to either:

Some details of BCD computation

Binary-coded decimal (Also called packed decimal) and the related Zoned Decimal are common representations of signed decimal radix (base 10) numbers. BCD is more compact and usually faster then zoned. Zoned format is more closely aligned with human readable and printable character formats. In both formats the sign indicator is associated (in the same character or byte) with the low order digit.

BCD and Zoned formats and operations were implemented for some of the earliest computers. Then circuitry was costly and arithmetic was often implemented as a digit (or bit) serial operation. Modern computers have more circuitry with wider data paths and more complex arithmetic/logic units. The current trend is for each processor core implementation to include multiple computational units that can operate in parallel.

For POWER server class processors separate and multiple Fixed-Point Units (FXU), (binary) Floating-point Units (FPU), and Vector Processing Units (VPU) are the norm. POWER6 introduced a Decimal Floating-point (DFP) Facility implementing the IEEE 754-2008 revision standard. This is implemented in hardware as an independent Decimal Floating-point Unit (DFU). This is supported with ISO C/C++ language bindings and runtime libraries.

The DFU supports a different data format Densely packed decimal (DPD and a more extensive set of operations then BCD or Zoned. So hardware DFP and the comprehensive C language and runtime library support makes it a better target for new business oriented applications. As DFP is supported directly in the hardware and has extensive language and runtime support, there is little that PVECLIB can contribute to general decimal radix computation.

BCD and DFP support requires at least PowerISA 2.05 (POWER6) or later server level processor support.

However the vector unit and recent BCD and Zoned extensions can still be useful in areas including large order multiple precision computation and conversions between binary and decimal radix. Both are required to convert large decimal numeric or floating-point values with extreme exponents for input or print. And conventions between _Float128 and _Decimal128 types is even more challenging. Basically both POSIX and IEEE 754-2008 require that it possible to convert floating-point values to an external character decimal representation, with the specified rounding, and back recovering the original value. This always requires more precision for the conversion then is available in the given format and size.

Preferred sign, zone, and zero.

BCD and Zoned Decimal have a long history with multiple computer manufacturers, and this is reflected as multiple encodings of the same basic concept. This is in turn reflected in the PowerISA as Preferred Sign PS immediate operand on BCD instructions.

This header implementation assumes that users of PVECLIB are not interested in this detail and just want access to BCD computation with consistent results. So PVECLIB does not expose preferred sign at the API and provides reasonable defaults in the implementation.

PVECLIB is targeted at the Linux ecosystem with ASCII character encoding, so the implementation defaults for:

The PowerISA implementation is permissive of sign encoding of input values and will accept four (0xA, 0xC, 0xE, 0xF) encodings of positive and two (0xB, 0xD) for negative. But the sign code of the result is always set to the preferred sign.

The BCD encoding allows for signed zeros (-0, +0) but the PowerISA implementation prefers the positive encoding for zero results. Again the implementation is permissive of both encodings for input operands. Usually this is not an issue but can be when dealing with conversions from other formats (DFP also allows signed 0.0) and implementations of BCD operations for older (POWER7/8) processors.

This is most likely to effect user code in comparisons of BCD values for 0. One might expect the following vector binary word compare all

if (vec_all_eq((vui32_t) t, (vui32_t) _BCD_CONST_ZERO))

to give the same result as

The vector binary compare is likely to have lower latency (on POWER7/8), but will miss compare on -0. The BCD compare operation (i.e. vec_bcdcmpeq ()) is recommended, unless the programs knows the details for the source operands generation, and have good (performance and latency) reasons to to use the alternative compare. Pveclib strives to provide correct preferred zeros results in its implementation of BCD operations.

Extended Precision computation with BCD

Extended precision requires carry and extend forms of bcdadd/sub. Also BCD multiply with multiply high and and double quadword (62-digit) forms. The vector unit does not support BCD multiply so pveclib leverages the DFP Facility to implement these operations. Finally algorithms and extended precision conversions require BCD divide and divide extended. Again leveraging the DPU to implement these operations.

Vector Add/Subtrace with Carry/Extend example

The PowerISA does not provide the extend and write-carry forms of the bcdadd/sub instructions. But bcdadd/sub instructions do post status to CR field 6 which includes:

which provides a basis for BCD comparison and the overflow may be used for carry/extend logic. The GCC compiler provides built-ins to generate the bcdadd/sub and test the resulting CR bits in if statements.

Unfortunately, the Overflow flag generated by bcdadd/bcdsub is not a true carry/borrow. If the operands have the same sign for bcdadd (different sign for bcdsub) and there is a carry out of the high order digit, then:

overflow is only set in conjunction with greater than zero (positive) or less than zero (negative) results. This implies that BCD carries are tri-state; +1, 0, or -1.

This can be used to simulate a Add and Write-Carry operation. However if the operands have different signs the bcdadd (same sign for bcdsub) the operation does the following:

For a simple BCD add this is the desired result (overflow is avoided and the borrow is recorded in the sign). But for multiple precision BCD operation, this will delay propagation of borrows to the higher order digits and the result is a mixture of signs across elements of the larger multiple precision value. This would have to be corrected at some later stage. For example the sum of 32 digits:

+ 19000000000000000000000000000008
= 40000000000000000000000000000016

This exceeds the 31-digit capacity of Vector signed BCD so we are forced to represent each number as two or more BCD values. For example:

0000000000000000000000000000002c 1000000000000000000000000000008c
+ 0000000000000000000000000000001c 9000000000000000000000000000008c
= 0000000000000000000000000000004c 0000000000000000000000000000016c

The sum of the low order operands will overflow, so we need to detect this overflow and generate a carry that we can apply to sum of the high order operands. For example the following code using the GCC's __builtin_bcdadd_ov.

static inline vBCD_t
vBCD_t c, sum_ab;
// compute the sum of (a + b)
sum_ab = (vBCD_t) __builtin_bcdadd ((vi128_t) a, (vi128_t) b, 0);;
// Detect the overflow, which should be rare
if (__builtin_expect (__builtin_bcdadd_ov ((vi128_t) a, (vi128_t) b, 0), 0))
// use copysign to generate a carry based on the sign of the sum_ab
return (c);
0000000000000000000000000000002c 1000000000000000000000000000008c
0000000000000000000000000000001c + 9000000000000000000000000000008c
1c 0000000000000000000000000000016c
+ 0000000000000000000000000000002c
+ 0000000000000000000000000000001c
= 0000000000000000000000000000004c

The higher operands requires a 3-way (a+b+c) sum to propagate the carry.

static inline vBCD_t
vBCD_t t;
t = vec_bcdadd (vec_bcdadd (a, b), c);
return (t);

where vec_bcdadd is a pveclib wrapper around __builtin_bcdadd to simplify the code. The simplified multiple precision BCD use case looks like this:

// r_h|r_l = a_h|a_l + b_h|b_l
r_l = vec_bcdadd (a_l, b_l);
c_l = vec_bcdaddcsq (a_l, b_l);
r_h = vec_bcdaddesqm (a_h, b_h, c_l)

But we should look at some more examples before we assume we have a complete solution. For example a subtract that requires a borrow:

- 19000000000000000000000000000008
= 02000000000000000000000000000000

The multiple precision BCD would look like this:

0000000000000000000000000000002c 1000000000000000000000000000008c
+ 0000000000000000000000000000001d 9000000000000000000000000000008d

But with the example code above we expected result:

= 0000000000000000000000000000000c 2000000000000000000000000000000c

instead we see:

= 0000000000000000000000000000001c 8000000000000000000000000000000d

The BCD overflow flag only captures carry/borrow when the bcdadd operands have the same sign (or different signs for bcdsub). In this case it looks like (1 - 9 = -8) which does not overflow.

0000000000000000000000000000002c 1000000000000000000000000000008c
0000000000000000000000000000001d + 9000000000000000000000000000008d
0c 8000000000000000000000000000000d
+ 0000000000000000000000000000002c
+ 0000000000000000000000000000001d
= 0000000000000000000000000000001c

We need a way to detect the borrow and fix up the sum to look like (11 - 9 = 2) and generate a carry digit (-1) to propagate the borrow to the higher order digits.

The secondary borrow is detected by comparing the sign of the result to the sign of the first operand. Something like this:

sign_ab = vec_bcdcpsgn (sum_ab, a);
if (!vec_all_eq(sign_ab, sum_ab))
// Borrow fix-up code

For multiple precision operations it would be better to retain the sign from the first operand and generate a borrow digit (value of '1' with the sign of the uncorrected result).

This requires re-computing the sum/difference, while applying the effect of borrow, and replacing the carry (currently 0) with a signed borrow digit. The corrected sum is the 10's complement (9's complement +1) of the initial sum (like (10 - 8 = 2) or (9 - 8 + 1 = 2). As we obviously don't know how to represent signed BCD with more then 31-digits (10**32 is 32-digits), the 9's complement + 1 is a better plan. We know that initial sum has a different sign from the original first operand. So adding 10**31 with the sign of the first operand to the initial sum applies the borrow operation.

sign_ab = vec_bcdcpsgn (sum_ab, a);
if (!vec_all_eq(sign_ab, t) && !vec_all_eq(_BCD_CONST_ZERO, t))
// 10**31 with the original sign of the first operand
// Generate the Borrow digit from the initial sum
// Invert the sum using the 10s complement
sum_ab = vec_bcdaddesqm (nines, sum_ab, c10s);
0000000000000000000000000000002c 1000000000000000000000000000008c
0000000000000000000000000000001d + 9000000000000000000000000000008d
= ?
+ 9999999999999999999999999999999c
+ 0000000000000000000000000000001c
1d 2000000000000000000000000000000c
+ 0000000000000000000000000000002c
+ 0000000000000000000000000000001d
= 0000000000000000000000000000000c

This does not fit well into the separate add modulo and add and write-carry operations commonly used for fixed binary arithmetic. Instead it requires a combined operation returning both the generated borrow and a sum/difference result with a corrected sign code. The combined add with carry looks like this:

static inline vBCD_t
vBCD_t t, c;
vBCD_t sum_ab, sign_a, sign_ab;
sum_ab = vec_bcdadd (a, b);
if (__builtin_expect (__builtin_bcdadd_ov ((vi128_t) a, (vi128_t) b, 0), 0))
else // (a + b) did not overflow, but did it borrow?
sign_ab = vec_bcdcpsgn (sum_ab, a);
if (!vec_all_eq(sign_ab, sum_ab) && !vec_all_eq(_BCD_CONST_ZERO, t))
// 10**31 with the original sign of the first operand
// Generate the Borrow digit from the initial sum
// Invert the sum using the 10s complement
sum_ab = vec_bcdaddesqm (nines, sum_ab, c10s);
*cout = c;
return (sum_ab);

and the usage example looks like this:

// r_h|r_l = a_h|a_l + b_h|b_l
r_l = vec_cbcdaddcsq (&c_l, a_l, b_l);
r_h = vec_bcdaddesqm (a_h, b_h, c_l)
The BCD add/subtract extend/carry story is not complete. The carry extend operations based only on the OV condition codes only works as expected for bcdadd operands with the same sign and bcdsub with different signs. See vec_bcdaddcsq() and vec_bcdaddecsq(). Extended BCD difference (or subtract the same sign or add with different signs) is more complicated. See vec_bcdsubcsq() and vec_bcdsubecsq(). Generating a true borrow seems to require looking one (31-digit) column ahead or behind. The first attempt at generating correct borrowing is implemented in vec_cbcdaddcsq() and vec_cbcdaddecsq(). There are still cases where these operation will generate a borrow and invert (10s complement) incorrectly. The net seems to be that for BCD multiple precision difference to work correctly, the larger magnitude must be the first operand.

Vector BCD Multiply/Divide Quadword example

BCD multiply and divide operations are not directly supported in the current PowerISA. Decimal multiply and divide are supported in the Decimal Floating-point (DFP) Facility, as well as conversion to and from signed (unsigned) BCD.

So BCD multiply and divide operations can be routed through the DFP Facility with a few caveats.

This allows DFP to represent decimal integer and fixed point decimal values with a preferred exponent of 0. The DFP Facility will maintain this preferred exponent for DPF arithmetic operations until:

The implementation can insure that input operands are derived from 31-digit BCD values. The results of any divide operations can be truncated back to decimal integer with the preferred 0 exponent. This can be achieved with the DFP Quantize Immediate instruction, specifying the ideal exponent of 0 and a rounding mode of round toward 0 (see vec_quantize0_Decimal128()). This allows the following implementation:

static inline vBCD_t
vBCD_t t;
_Decimal128 d_t, d_a, d_b;
d_a = vec_BCD2DFP (a);
d_b = vec_BCD2DFP (b);
d_t = vec_quantize0_Decimal128 (d_a / d_b);
t = vec_DFP2BCD (d_t);
return (t);

The multiply case is bit more complicated as we need to produce up to 62 digit results without losing precision and DFP only supports 34 digits. This requires splitting the input operands into groups of digits where partial products of any combination of these groups is guaranteed not exceed 34 digits.

One way to do this is split each 31-digit operand into two 16-digit chunks (actually 15 and 16-digits). These chunks are converted to DFP extended format and multiplied to produce four 32-digit partial products. These partial products can be aligned and summed to produce the high and low 31-digits of the full 62-digit product. This is the basis for vec_bcd_mul(), vec_bcdmulh(), and vec_cbcdmul().

A simple vec_and() can be used to isolate the low order 16 BCD digits. It is simple at this point to detect if both operands are 16-digits or less by comparing the original operand to the isolate value. In this case the product can not exceed 32 digits and we can short circuit the product to a single multiply. Here we can safely use binary compare all.

const vBCD_t dword_mask = (vBCD_t) CONST_VINT128_DW(15, -1);
vBCD_t t, low_a, low_b, high_a, high_b;
_Decimal128 d_p, d_t, d_a, d_b;
low_a = vec_and (a, dword_mask);
low_b = vec_and (b, dword_mask);
d_a = vec_BCD2DFP (low_a);
d_b = vec_BCD2DFP (low_b);
d_p = d_a * d_b;
if (__builtin_expect ((vec_cmpuq_all_eq ((vui128_t) low_a, (vui128_t) a)
&& vec_cmpuq_all_eq ((vui128_t) low_b, (vui128_t) b)), 1))
d_t = d_p;
t = vec_DFP2BCD (d_t);

This is a case where negative 0 can be generated in the DFP multiply and converted unchanged to BCD. This is handled with the following fix up code:

// Minus zero
const vui32_t mz = CONST_VINT128_W (0, 0, 0, 0x0000000d);
#ifdef _ARCH_PWR9
if (vec_all_eq((vui32_t) t, mz))
return t;

From here the code diverges for multiply low and multiply high (and full combined multiply). Multiply low only needs the 3 lower order partial products. The highest order partial product does not impact the lower order 31-digits and is not needed. Multiply high requires the generation and summation of all 4 partial products. Following code completes the implementation of BCD multiply low:

_Decimal128 d_ah, d_bh, d_hl, d_lh, d_h;
high_a = vec_bcdsrqi (a, 16);
high_b = vec_bcdsrqi (b, 16);
d_ah = vec_BCD2DFP (high_a);
d_bh = vec_BCD2DFP (high_b);
d_hl = d_ah * d_b;
d_lh = d_a * d_bh;
d_h = d_hl + d_lh;
d_h = __builtin_dscliq (d_h, 17);
d_h = __builtin_dscriq (d_h, 1);
d_t = d_p + d_h;

Here we know that there are higher order digits in one or both operands. First use vec_bcdsrqi() to isolate the high 15-digits of operands a and b. Both Vector unit and DFP Facility have decimal shift operations, but the vector shift operation is faster.

Then convert to DFP and multiply (high_a * low_b and high_b * low_a) for the two middle order partial products which are summed. This sum represents the high 32-digits (the 31-digit sum can carry) of a 48-digit product. Only the lower 16-digits of this sum is needed for the final sum and this needs to be aligned with the high 16 digits of the original lower order partial product.

For this case use DFP Shift Significand Left Immediate and DFP Shift Significand Right Immediate. All the data is in the DFP Facility and the high cost of the DFP Facility shift is offset by avoiding extra format conversions. We use shift left 17 followed by shift right 1 to clear the highest order DFP digit and avoid any overflow. A final DFP add produces the low order 32 digits of the product which will be truncated to 31-digits in the conversion to BCD.

How we can look at the BCD multiply high (generate the full 62-digit product returning the high 31 digits) and point out the differences. Multiply high also starts by isolating the low order 16 BCD digits, performing the low order multiply (low_a * low_b), and testing for the short circuit (all higher order digits are 0). The first difference (from multiply low) is that in this case only the high digit of the potential 32-digit product is returned.

const vBCD_t dword_mask = (vBCD_t) CONST_VINT128_DW(15, -1);
vBCD_t t, low_a, low_b, high_a, high_b;
_Decimal128 d_p, d_t, d_a, d_b;
low_a = vec_and (a, dword_mask);
low_b = vec_and (b, dword_mask);
d_a = vec_BCD2DFP (low_a);
d_b = vec_BCD2DFP (low_b);
d_p = d_a * d_b;
if (__builtin_expect ((vec_cmpuq_all_eq ((vui128_t) low_a, (vui128_t) a)
&& vec_cmpuq_all_eq ((vui128_t) low_b, (vui128_t) b)), 1))
d_t = __builtin_dscriq (d_p, 31);
t = vec_DFP2BCD (d_t);

So the short circuit code shifts the low partial product right 31 digits and returns that value.

If we can not short circuit, Multiply high requires the generation and summation of all four partial products. Following code completes the implementation of BCD multiply high:

_Decimal128 d_ah, d_bh, d_hl, d_lh, d_h, d_ll, d_m;
high_a = vec_bcdsrqi (a, 16);
high_b = vec_bcdsrqi (b, 16);
d_ah = vec_BCD2DFP (high_a);
d_bh = vec_BCD2DFP (high_b);
d_hl = d_ah * d_bl;
d_lh = d_al * d_bh;
d_ll = __builtin_dscriq (d_p, 16);
d_m = d_hl + d_lh + d_ll;
d_m = __builtin_dscriq (d_m, 15);
d_h = d_ah * d_bh;
d_h = __builtin_dscliq (d_h, 1);
d_t = d_m + d_h;

Again we know that there are higher order digits in one or both operands and use vec_bcdsrqi() to isolate the high 15-digits of operands a and b. Then convert to DFP and multiply (high_a * low_b and high_b * low_a) for the two middle order partial products (d_hl and d_lh).

The low order partial product (d_p) was generated above but we need only the high order 15 digits for summation. Shift the low partial product right 16 digits then sum (d_hl + d_lh + d_ll) the low and middle order partial products. This produces the high 32 digits of the lower 48 digit partial sum. Shift this right 15 digits to align with the high order 31 digits for the product.

Then multiply (high_a * high_b) to generate the high order partial product. This represents the high 30 digits of a 62 digits. Shift this left 1 digit to correct the alignment. The sum of the adjusted high and middle order partials gives the high order 31 digits of the 62-digit product.

Vector BCD to/from Binary conversion

Conversions between Decimal (BCD, Zoned, or string) and binary is another topic which is more complicated that it first appears. Everyone that takes computer science should have learned about atoi and itoa for conversions between strings of decimal character and binary integers.

ASCII to integer is basically;

Integer to ASCII is basically;

You may have noticed that the algorithms above are not exactly vector ready. Both are serialized on expensive multiply and divide operations. This is not so bad for 9 digit (32-bit) integers but will be noticeable when converting between 128-bit binary and 31-digit BCD.

For the vector BCD equivalent of atoi we could use the PVECLIB implementation of Vector Multiply by 10 Extended Unsigned Quadword. For POWER8, vec_mul10euq() uses; multiple even/odd, a couple of shift left octet immediates, and add quadword. This sequence runs 5-7 instructions and has a minimum latency of 13 cycles. To convert from BCD to binary we need to shift and isolate, one BCD digit at time, then feed that into vec_mul10euq(). Ignoring for now the latency associated with shifting the BCD digits, we can quickly estimate 13 * 32 = 416 cycles to convert 32 digits.

For the vector BCD equivalent of itoa we could use the POWER8 Decimal Add Modulo instruction. For POWER8 vec_bcdadd() has a latency of 13 cycles. But the conversion would be one bit at a time. Use vec_bcdadd() to multiply by 2 then shift / issolate a bit from the binary value, format / convert that bit to BCD 0/1. and vec_bcdadd() again. So a quick estimate for this conversion is 13 * 2 * 128 = 3328 cycles.

Vector Parallel conversion

Clearly just using bigger registers for bigger numbers is not helping. So we want to think about algorithms that do more in parallel and leverage the vector unit we have.

For POWER9 we have Decimal Convert From/To Signed Quadword and Decimal Convert From/To Zoned (See vec_bcdcfsq(), vec_bcdctsq(), vec_bcdcfz(), vec_bcdctz()). These provide direct conversion between quadword binary and signed BCD and between signed BCD and zoned characters.

The BCD convert from/to Zoned are simple operation that run 3 cycles latency on POWER9 and 14-27 cycles for the POWER8 implementation. For POWER8 there is some additional complexity verify and converting the preferred sign code between BCD and Zoned (of course they are different).

But the BCD convert from/to Signed Quadword operations are a bit heavier, running 37 and 23 cycles latency on POWER9. These instructions execute in the DFU and so are single issue. They also keeps the DFU pipeline busy (for 25 and 11 cycles) and block execution of the next DFU operation for a while. Still this is better than the serial conversion examples described above.

But part of the value of PVECLIB is to provide support across POWER7/8/9 and across compiler versions. The convert instructions above are not supported in current compilers with built-ins so PVECLIB provides in-line assembler implementations for these operations. Now we need look into better algorithms for implementing these operations on POWER7/8.

The Vector unit can multiply, add, or subtract integer elements in parallel. The conversion process is basically multiply and add/sub as we can replace divide operations with the multiplicative inverse. So if we are looking for a way to break the conversion down into steps that can be performed in parallel on elements of the larger value and require fewer steps.

For now we can simplify the problem to unsigned radix conversion and deal with signed conversion as a later cleanup step based on the complete unsigned conversion.

Vector Parallel BCD to quadword conversion

Starting with BCD (Radix 10) to Binary (Radix 2) conversion. The data is represented as 32 BCD digits encoded as 4-bit nibbles starting with high orders digits on the left, to low order digits on the right.

Said differently, unsigned BCD vectors are represented as 16-bytes each containing a pair of BCD digits, each in the range 00-99. This is helpful because the PowerISA has instructions that multiply and add integer bytes, in parallel. So it seems possible to convert bytes containing even/odd pairs of BCD digits to integer bytes, each in the range 0-99: simply multiply the even digit by 10 and add the odd digit.

The result is a vector of 16 x radix-100 bytes (binary integers in the range 0-99). Said differently a radix 100 vector represented as 8 halfwords each containing a pair of radix 100 digits, each in the range 0-99. Again these pairs of digits (bytes) can be converted by multiply and add to radix 10,000 halfwords.

Repeat the process three more times:

So in 5 steps, each only using vector multiply and add, we convert 32 BCD digits to a quadword integer.

Actually 10**32 can be represented in 107 bits, but who is counting.

Actually, it is a little more complicated than multiply and add. The digits of the digit pair must be isolated and shifted into alignment before the multiply and add. Looking something like this:

test_vec_rdxct100b_0 (vui8_t vra)
vui8_t x10, c10, high_digit, low_digit;
// Isolate the low_digit
low_digit = vec_slbi (vra, 4);
low_digit = vec_srbi (low_digit, 4);
// Shift the high digit into the units position
high_digit = vec_srbi (vra, 4);
// multiply the high digit by 10
c10 = vec_splats ((unsigned char) 10);
x10 = vec_mulubm (high_digit, c10);
// add the low_digit to high_digit * 10.
return vec_add (x10, low_digit);

The PowerISA does not provide general nibble arithmetic, only byte. So the first operations involve isolating each nibble into separate (high_digit and low_digit) bytes. The high_digit shift also aligns the binary for the multiply and add.

The Multiply Unsigned Byte Modulo (vec_mulubm()) generates vmuleub/vmuloub then loads a permute control vector and permutes the low order bytes of the halfword (even/odd) products into a single vector. Finally, add the x10 product and low_digit to get the binary value in the range 0-99.

This sequence runs 6-10 instructions and 13-22 cycles latency. The lower values assume the shift control and permute control vectors are commoned with other operations.

This is a case where the process on paper is much simpler than the reality of programming computers. The operation is actually (bcd_byte / 16 * 10) + (bcd_byte * 16 / 16) where 16 is the alignment radix and 10 is the decimal radix at this step. The alignment radix operations are (fortunately) strength reduced to vector byte shift left/right.

Let's use a little algebra to eliminate some of these steps. One approach is to generate a correction factor from the high_digit and the difference between the alignment and decimal radix. This correction factor is subtracted directly from the original BCD byte and reduces the operation to (bcd_byte - ((bcd_byte / 16) x (16 - 10)) Which looks something like:

test_vec_rdxct100b_1 (vui8_t vra)
vui8_t x6, c6, high_digit;
// Compute the high digit correction factor. For BCD to binary 100s
// this is the isolated high digit multiplied by the radix difference
// in binary. For this stage we use 0x10 - 10 = 6.
high_digit = vec_srbi (vra, 4);
c6 = vec_splats ((unsigned char) (16-10));
x6 = vec_mulubm (high_digit, c6);
// Subtract the high digit correction bytes from the original
// BCD bytes in binary. This reduces byte range to 0-99.
return vec_sub (vra, x6);

Another opportunity is to let the compiler strength reduce the multiply to shift and add. Newer versions of GCC will perform this optimization when using the generic vec_mul built-in for vector integer elements.

Previous to GCC 8, vec_mul() was only supported for vector float and double.
#if (__GNUC__ > 7)
x6 = vec_mul (high_digit, c6);
x6 = vec_mulubm (high_digit, c6);

This eliminates vector multiply even/odd, the permute, and the load associated with the permute. The final sequence runs 5-7 instructions and 10-12 cycles latency and looks something like this:

vspltisb v1,4
vspltisb v13,1
vsrb v1,v2,v1
vslb v0,v1,v13
vaddubm v0,v0,v1
vslb v0,v0,v13
vsububm v2,v2,v0

The next step converts adjacent byte pairs to halfwords. We use the same basic formula but adjust the radix constants to; (rdx_hword - ((rdx_hword / 256) x (256 - 100)). Here we need a byte multiply producing a halfword correction factor. No shifts are needed as the vmuleub multiply will access the high byte of each halfword directly.

static inline vui16_t
vui8_t c156;
vui16_t x156;
// Compute the high digit correction factor. For 100s to binary 10ks
// this is the isolated high digit multiplied by the radix difference
// in binary. For this stage we use 256 - 100 = 156.
c156 = vec_splats ((unsigned char) 156);
x156 = vec_mulo ((vui8_t) vra, c156);
x156 = vec_mule ((vui8_t) vra, c156);
// Subtract the high digit correction halfword from the original
// 100s byte pair in binary. This reduces the range to 0-9999.
return vec_sub ((vui16_t) vra, x156);

This requires: a constant load, a multiply even byte and subtract halfword. The final sequence runs 2-5 instructions and 9-18 cycles latency and looks something like this:

addis r9,r2,.rodata.cst16+0x90@ha
addi r9,r9,.rodata.cst16+0x90@l
lvx v0,0,r9
vmuleub v0,v2,v0
vsubuhm v2,v2,v0

This pattern continues for converting halfwords to words, words to doublewords, and doublewords to quadwords. For POWER8 the first 4 steps are supported by vector multiply and subtract instructions. The last step requires a vec_vmuleud() operation implemented in vec_int128_ppc.h, based on vec_muleuw(), vec_mulouw() and vec_adduqm(). The vec_adduqm() operation is single instruction for POWER8. For POWER7 we will need to leverage more operations implemented in vec_int64_ppc.h and vec_int128_ppc.h for the last two steps.

The complete set of steps for converting 32 BCD digits to quadword __int128 binary looks like this:

example_vec_bcdctuq (vBCD_t vra)
vui8_t d100;
vui16_t d10k;
vui32_t d100m;
vui64_t d10e;
vui128_t result;
d100 = vec_rdxct100b ((vui8_t) vra);
d10k = vec_rdxct10kh (d100);
d100m = vec_rdxct100mw (d10k);
d10e = vec_rdxct10E16d (d100m);
result = vec_rdxct10e32q (d10e);
return result;

For POWER8 the whole sequence runs 24-36 instructions and 65-78 cycles latency. For POWER9 the whole sequence runs 17-26 instructions and 52-65 cycles latency.

POWER9 has a Decimal Convert to Signed Quadword instruction, but no unsigned (32-digit) convert.

However we can leverage the POWER9 Vector Multiply by 10 Extended Unsigned Quadword instruction to extend the 31-digit convert to a full 32-digits. Basically use the bcdctsq to convert the high 31-digits and then multiply by 10 and add the last digit. See example below:

example_vec_bcdctuq_2 (vBCD_t vra)
vui128_t vrt;
#ifdef _ARCH_PWR9
const vui32_t bcd_one = (vui32_t) _BCD_CONST_PLUS_ONE;
const vui32_t sign_mask = (vui32_t) _BCD_CONST_SIGN_MASK;
vui128_t vrd;
vBCD_t sbcd;
// Need to convert BCD unsigned to signed for bcdctsq
// But can't use bcdcpsgn as the unit digit is not a sign code
// So use vec_and/sel to extract unit digit and insert sign
vrd = (vui128_t) vec_and ((vui32_t) vra, sign_mask);
sbcd = (vBCD_t) vec_sel ((vui32_t) vra, bcd_one, sign_mask);
// Convert top 31 digits to binary
vrt = (vui128_t) vec_bcdctsq (sbcd);
// Then X 10 plus the unit digit to complete 32-digit convert
vrt = vec_mul10euq (vrt, vrd);
// P7/P8 implementation as above
return vrt;

This adds a few more cycles to split the high digits from the low digit and insert a positive sign code. This requires loading some vector constants which may be commoned with loads from other operations. This adds 2-11 cycles. The mul10euq only adds 3 cycles latency to complete the BCD to Binary conversion. This is adds only a 21% to 60% latency over the base bcdctsq instruction.

This process can be extended to 256, 512, 1024-bits, etc by widening the BCD to binary conversion appropriately to blocks of 31 or 32 digits. Then use the basic atoi algorithm using extended quadword multiply / add operations from vec_int128_ppc.h (Multiple precision BCD to/from Binary conversion).

Vector Parallel quadword to BCD conversion

Binary to BCD conversions are challenging a in a number of ways. First any conversion requires division by non powers of 2. Second, for the same element size binary representation holds more equivalent decimal digits then BCD. If the binary value is too large for the BCD target's element size, the results are often undefined. For example vec_bcdcfsq(). So it is important to constrain the magnitude of the binary to fit the BCD target before conversion. See Converting Vector __int128 values to BCD for details.

In most senses, binary to BCD is the reverse of BCD to binary. The radix number in the conversion formula exchange places and the conversion starts with the largest element size (quadword) and works it's way down to the smallest (4-bit nibble).

Let's take a look at the conversion formula. For BCD to Binary we used:

So after swapping the conversion (to / from) radix constants we see:

The effect is to divide vector elements of 4*2N bits by 10**N and return the quotient in the high half of the element (in 4*N bits), and the remainder of this divide in the low half of the element (in 4*N bits), Where N is a power of 2n and n ranges from 0 to 4 (5 steps again).

So why doesn't PVECLIB provide these steps as operations. For example: divide a vector unsigned __int128 by 1016 and return the quotient in the high doubleword and the remainder in the low doubleword of a vector unsigned long? Because if the input quadword is not less than 1032 the result is undefined (the quotient will overflow).

This is good news and bad news. It is good that the correction subtract became a simple add. This allows the uses of multiply sum instruction (where PowerISA has such instructions for the element size). The bad news is that the radix divisor is not a power of two. And since the PowerISA does not have vector integer divide instructions, we use the multiplicative inverse. So in effect, each step of the binary to BCD conversion requires, two multiplies and an add.

So let's look at the first and last step of the conversion (the two extremes). The first step (after verifying that the quadword value is less than 1032<-1) looks like this:

static inline vui64_t
// Compute the high digit correction factor. For binary 10**32 to
// 10**16, this is 0x10000000000000000 - 10000000000000000
// = 18436744073709551616.
const vui64_t c = CONST_VINT128_DW (0, 18436744073709551616UL);
// Magic numbers for multiplicative inverse to divide by 10**16
// are 76624777043294442917917351357515459181, no corrective add,
// and shift right 51 bits.
const vui128_t mul_invs_ten16 = (vui128_t) CONST_VINT128_DW(
0x39a5652fb1137856UL, 0xd30baf9a1e626a6dUL);
const int shift_ten16 = 51;
vui64_t result;
vui128_t x, high_digit;
// high_digit = vra / 10000000000000000;
high_digit = vec_mulhuq (vra, mul_invs_ten16);
high_digit = vec_srqi (high_digit, shift_ten16);
// multiply high_digit by the radix difference c and add vra
// This separates the high/low 16 digits into doublewords.
#ifdef _ARCH_PWR9
// 0 in the high dword of const c reduces vmsumudm to vmuloud
// but with a qword add included.
result = (vui64_t) vec_msumudm ((vui64_t) high_digit, c, vra);
x = vec_vmuloud ((vui64_t) high_digit, c);
result = (vui64_t) vec_adduqm (vra, x);
return result;

The first multiply is an expensive (40 to 60 cycles) operation as it requires a full Multiply High Unsigned Quadword. The next operation requires a Multiply Odd Unsigned Doubleword then Add Unsigned Quadword Modulo. For POWER9 we can replace these two operations with a single Multiply Sum Unsigned Doubleword Modulo. The latency of this single step is in the same order at the complete BCD to Binary conversion (vec_bcdctuq()).

The conversion steps continue with doubleword to word, word to halfword, halfword to byte, byte to BCD (nibbles). The final step is simple by comparison to the first step.

static inline vui8_t
vui8_t x6, c6, high_digit;
// Let the compiler generate the multiplicative inverse code
high_digit = vra / 10;
// This separates two digit values into BCD Nibbles.
// multiply high_digit by the radix difference c and
x6 = high_digit * 6;
// add bytes the high digit correction to the original
// (radix 100) bytes in binary.
return (vra + x6);

The GCC vector extensions support dividing a vector char / short / int by a constant. So we can let the compiler generate the multiplicative inverse code for the last three steps. This is not supported (yet) for long and __int128 so the first two steps must explicitly code the multiplicative inverse.

Using GCC vector extensions for the following multiply and add works well in this case as it allows the compiler to perform strength reduction. It is not as useful in the other steps as the programmer knows more about the value ranges then the compiler can or should assume. We know the the quotient and corrective constant always fit into the lower half of the element. This allows the use of the half sized vector multiply odd unsigned while compiler will assume it needs to generate a multiply modulo for the full element size.

For example the third step (word to halfword) we can use Multiply Sum Unsigned Halfword Modulo to replace the multiply odd and add. This is similar to the multiply sum usage in the first step and it is a case not recognized by the compiler.

The full binary to BCD conversion requires all 5 steps to complete the operations and this adds up to 200+ cycles. So this is worth another look.

Initially using the DFP Facility for this binary to BCD conversion was rejected because:

Perhaps we can use the vec_rdxcf10e32q() operation we defined above as the first step (factoring quadwords into the 16 digit doublewords). Then use the DFP Facility to convert binary doublewords to BCD. In this case we are not concerned with signed conversion as 10**16 fits in 54-bits binary and guarantees positive binary values. We still have to deal with the VR to/from FPR transfers but that mechanism is already defined and at a reasonable cost (2-4 cycles each way).

static inline vBCD_t
#ifdef _ARCH_PWR6
vBCD_t t;
_Decimal128 x, y, z;
// unpack the vector into a FPRp
// Convert 2 long int values into 2 _Decimal64 values
// Then convert each _Decimal64 value into 16-digit BCD
"dcffix %1,%2;\n"
"dcffix %L1,%L2;\n"
"ddedpd 0,%0,%1;\n"
"ddedpd 0,%L0,%L1;\n"
: "=d" (x),
"=&d" (y)
: "d" (z)
: );
// Pack the FPRp back into a vector
return (t);
// no solution before P6

If we assume that the second Decimal Convert From Fixed (dcffix) is independent and issues 19 cycles after the first, we get 32+19 = 51 cycles to complete. Then another 13+1 cycles to convert back to BCD. Add a few cycles for the unpack and pack operations and we estimate 69 cycles for POWER8 and 58 cycles for POWER9. The totals for vec_rdxcf10e32q() plus vec_BIN2BCD() come to 154-164 for POWER8 and 114-124 for POWER9. This is a 30-60% improvement over the previous (all vector) attempt. So the final unsigned binary to BCD conversion looks like this:

static inline vBCD_t
vui64_t d10e;
d10e =vec_rdxcf10e32q (vra);
#ifdef _ARCH_PWR7
return (vBCD_t) vec_BIN2BCD (d10e);
vui8_t d100;
vui16_t d10k;
vui32_t d100m;
d100m = vec_rdxcf10E16d (d10e);
d10k = vec_rdxcf100mw (d100m);
d100 = vec_rdxcf10kh (d10k);
return (vBCD_t) vec_rdxcf100b (d10e);
This process can be extended to 256, 512, 1024-bits, etc by widening the first 5 steps appropriately and adding steps using extended quadword multiply and add operations from vec_int128_ppc.h (Quadword Long Division).

Multiple precision BCD to/from Binary conversion

The simplest case is converting a vector unsigned __int128 to BCD. This requires up to 39 digits across two vectors. This can either be split into 8 and 31 digits for signed conversion or 7 and 32 for unsigned. Signed conversion is preferred where extended BCD result will be input to additional BCD arithmetic. Unsigned is preferred for conversion to Zoned characters for decimal display.

From Converting Vector __int128 values to BCD we see the divide / modulo quadword by constant operations which can used to factor binary quadwords into high and low digit groups for conversion. For example:

r = vec_moduq_10e32 (a, q);
// high 7 digits
dh = vec_bcdcfuq (q);
// lower 32 digits
dl = vec_bcdcfuq (r);
printf ("%07lld%016lld%016lld", (vui64_t) dh[VEC_DW_L],

Multiple precision BCD from Binary conversion

The general multiple precision binary to BCD conversion requires quadword long division as described in Quadword Long Division. After each long division the remainder is in a range for conversion to BCD. In the example below the remainder is converted to 32 digit BCD as the last step.

// Convert extended quadword binary to BCD 32-digits at a time.
example_longbcdcf_10e32 (vui128_t *q, vui128_t *d, long int _N)
vui128_t dn, qh, ql, rh;
long int i;
// init step for the top digits
dn = d[0];
qh = vec_divuq_10e32 (dn);
rh = vec_moduq_10e32 (dn, qh);
q[0] = qh;
// now we know the remainder is less than the divisor.
for (i=1; i<_N; i++)
dn = d[i];
ql = vec_divudq_10e32 (&qh, rh, dn);
rh = vec_modudq_10e32 (rh, dn, &ql);
q[i] = ql;
// convert to BCD and return the remainder for this step
return vec_bcdcfuq (rh);

Each call to example_longbcdcf_10e32 () produces the next 32-digit group. Repeated calls where the previous iterations quotient is passed as the dividend to the next step, produce additional 32-digit groups. This continues until the quotient is less then the divisor (in this case 1032). This final quadword quotient provides the highest order 32-digit group for the conversion. The digit groups are produced in order from lowest to highest significance.

As the conversion process continues the number of quadwords in the extended dividend/quotient shrinks. The divide / modulo quadword by constant operations test for leading zeros and skip over them.

Multiple precision BCD to Binary conversion

The general multiple precision binary from BCD conversion only requires extended quadword multiply as described in Extended Quadword multiply. Starting with the high order BCD (32 or 31) digit group, multiply by 1032 (or 1031) then add the next digit group to the extended product. Continue until the low order digit group is added. For example:

// Convert extended quadword BCD to binary 32-digits at a time.
long int
example_longbcdct_10e32 (vui128_t *d, vBCD_t decimal,
long int _C , long int _N)
// ten32 = +100000000000000000000000000000000UQ
const vui128_t ten32 = (vui128_t)
{ (__int128) 10000000000000000UL * (__int128) 10000000000000000UL };
const vui128_t zero = (vui128_t) { (__int128) 0UL };
vui128_t dn, ph, pl, cn, c;
long int i, cnt;
cnt = _C;
dn = zero;
cn = zero;
// case _C == 0 is the initialization step and no multiply required
if ( cnt == 0 )
// if the decimal is 0, no conversion is required
if (vec_cmpuq_all_ne ((vui128_t) decimal, zero))
dn = vec_bcdctuq (decimal);
// But it is a good time to initialize d[]
for ( i = 0; i < (_N - 1); i++ )
d[i] = zero;
d[_N - cnt] = dn;
else // case _C > 0
// convert decimal group to binary.
if (vec_cmpuq_all_ne ((vui128_t) decimal, zero))
dn = vec_bcdctuq (decimal);
// Compute extended product, plus the decimal group
for ( i = (_N - 1); i >= (_N - cnt); i--)
pl = vec_muludq (&ph, d[i], ten32);
c = vec_addecuq (pl, dn, cn);
d[i] = vec_addeuqm (pl, dn, cn);
cn = c;
dn = ph;
// If the product exceeds the current quadword count, extend
if (vec_cmpuq_all_ne (dn, zero) || vec_cmpuq_all_ne (cn, zero))
dn = vec_adduqm (dn, cn);
d[_N - cnt] = dn;
return cnt;

This process starts with a single quadword (the converted high order digit group). As additional digit groups are converted, the extended binary value is multiplied by 1032 before adding the converted digit group. The number of quadwords in the array d[] expand as needed to hold the binary value.

The interface includes:

Performance data.

High level performance estimates are provided as an aid to function selection when evaluating algorithms. For background on how Latency and Throughput are derived see: Performance data.

Macro Definition Documentation

◆ vBCD_t

#define vBCD_t   vui32_t

vector signed BCD integer of up to 31 decimal digits.

Currently the GCC implementation and the OpenPOWER ELF V2 ABI disagree on the vector type (vector __int128 vs vector unsigned char) used (parameters and return values) by the BCD built-ins. Using vBCD_t insulates pveclib and applications while this is worked out.

Function Documentation

◆ vec_BCD2BIN()

static vui64_t vec_BCD2BIN ( vBCD_t  val)

Convert vector of 2 x unsigned 16-digit BCD values to vector 2 x doubleword binary values.

Convert a vector of 16-digit unsigned BCD doublewords to a vector of unsigned long int doublewords. The vector unsigned long int doublewords are in the range 0-9999999999999999.

processor Latency Throughput
power8 55 1/51 cycle
power9 59 1/53 cycle
vala vector treated a 2 unsigned BCD 16 digit values.
a 128-bit vector unsigned long int.

◆ vec_BCD2DFP()

static _Decimal128 vec_BCD2DFP ( vBCD_t  val)

Convert a Vector Signed BCD value to __Decimal128.

The BCD vector is permuted into a double float pair before conversion to DPD format via the DFP Encode BCD To DPD Quad instruction.

processor Latency Throughput
power8 17 1/cycle
power9 15 1/cycle
vala 128-bit vector treated as a signed BCD 31 digit value.
a __Decimal128 in a double float pair.

◆ vec_bcdadd()

static vBCD_t vec_bcdadd ( vBCD_t  a,
vBCD_t  b 

Decimal Add Signed Modulo Quadword.

Two Signed 31 digit values are added and lower 31 digits of the sum are returned. Overflow (carry-out) is ignored.

processor Latency Throughput
power8 13 1/cycle
power9 3 2/cycle
aa 128-bit vector treated as a signed BCD 31 digit value.
ba 128-bit vector treated as a signed BCD 31 digit value.
a 128-bit vector which is the lower 31 digits of (a + b).

◆ vec_bcdaddcsq()

static vBCD_t vec_bcdaddcsq ( vBCD_t  a,
vBCD_t  b 

Decimal Add & write Carry Signed Quadword.

Two Signed 31 digit BCD values are added, and the carry-out (the high order 32nd digit) of the sum is returned.

This operation will only detect overflows where the operand signs match. It will not detect a borrow if the signs differ. So this operation should only be used if matching signs are guaranteed. Otherwise vec_cbcdaddcsq() should be used.
processor Latency Throughput
power8 15-21 1/cycle
power9 6-18 2/cycle
aa 128-bit vector treated as a signed BCD 31 digit value.
ba 128-bit vector treated as a signed BCD 31 digit value.
a 128-bit vector with the carry digit. Values are -1, 0, and +1.

◆ vec_bcdaddecsq()

static vBCD_t vec_bcdaddecsq ( vBCD_t  a,
vBCD_t  b,
vBCD_t  c 

Decimal Add Extended & write Carry Signed Quadword.

Two Signed 31 digit values and a signed carry-in are added together and the carry-out (the high order 32nd digit) of the sum is returned.

This operation will only detect overflows where the operand signs match. It will not detect a borrow if the signs differ. So this operation should only be used if matching signs are guaranteed. Otherwise vec_cbcdaddecsq() should be used.
processor Latency Throughput
power8 28-37 1/cycle
power9 9-21 2/cycle
aa 128-bit vector treated as a signed BCD 31 digit value.
ba 128-bit vector treated as a signed BCD 31 digit value.
ca 128-bit vector treated as a signed BCD carry with values -1, 0, or +1.
a 128-bit vector with the carry digit from the sum (a + b +c). Carry values are -1, 0, and +1.

◆ vec_bcdaddesqm()

static vBCD_t vec_bcdaddesqm ( vBCD_t  a,
vBCD_t  b,
vBCD_t  c 

Decimal Add Extended Signed Modulo Quadword.

Two Signed 31 digit values and a signed carry-in are added together and lower 31 digits of the sum are returned. Overflow (carry-out) is ignored.

processor Latency Throughput
power8 13 1/cycle
power9 6 2/cycle
aa 128-bit vector treated as a signed BCD 31 digit value.
ba 128-bit vector treated as a signed BCD 31 digit value.
ca 128-bit vector treated as a signed BCD carry with values -1, 0, or +1.
a 128-bit vector which is the lower 31 digits of (a + b + c).

◆ vec_bcdcfsq()

static vBCD_t vec_bcdcfsq ( vi128_t  vrb)

Vector Decimal Convert From Signed Quadword returning up to 31 BCD digits.

Vector convert a quadword containing a signed __int128 in the range -9999999999999999999999999999999 to +9999999999999999999999999999999 to the equivalent signed BCD value with up to 31 digits.

If the signed value of vrb is less then -(10**31-1) or greater than 10**31-1 the result is too large for the BCD format and the result is undefined. See Converting Vector __int128 values to BCD for details.
processor Latency Throughput
power8 166-176 1/19 cycle
power9 37 1/26 cycle
vrbvector signed __int128 number in the range -9999999999999999999999999999999 to +9999999999999999999999999999999.
vector signed BCD value.

◆ vec_bcdcfud()

static vBCD_t vec_bcdcfud ( vui64_t  vrb)

Vector Decimal Convert From Unsigned doubleword returning up to 2x16 BCD digits.

Vector convert doubleword containing a unsigned long int each in the range 0-9999999999999999 to the equivalent unsigned BCD doubleword value each up to 16 digits.

If either doubleword of vrb is greater than 10**16-1 the result is too large for the BCD format and the result is undefined.
processor Latency Throughput
power8 69 1/19 cycle
power9 58 1/21 cycle
vrba 128-bit vector of unsigned long int numbers, each in the range 0-9999999999999999.
128-bit vector doublewords of unsigned BCD values each in the range 0-9999999999999999.

◆ vec_bcdcfuq()

static vBCD_t vec_bcdcfuq ( vui128_t  vra)

Vector Decimal Convert From Unsigned Quadword returning up to 32 BCD digits.

Vector convert a quadword containing a unsigned __int128 in the range 0-99999999999999999999999999999999 to the equivalent unsigned BCD value with up to 32 digits.

If the value of vrb is greater than 10**32-1 the result is too large for the unsigned BCD format and the result is undefined. See Converting Vector __int128 values to BCD for details.
processor Latency Throughput
power8 154-164 1/19 cycle
power9 117-128 1/21 cycle
vraa 128-bit vector as an unsigned __int128 number in the range 0-99999999999999999999999999999999.
128-bit vector unsigned BCD value in the range 0-99999999999999999999999999999999.

◆ vec_bcdcfz()

static vBCD_t vec_bcdcfz ( vui8_t  vrb)

Vector Decimal Convert From Zoned.

Given a Signed 16-digit signed Zoned value vrb, return equivalent Signed BCD value. For Zoned (PS=0) the sign code is in bits 0:3 of byte 15.

  • Positive sign codes are: 0x0, 0x1, 0x2, 0x3, 0x8, 0x9, 0xa, 0xb.
  • Negative sign codes are: 0x4, 0x5, 0x6, 0x7, 0xc, 0xd, 0xe, 0xf.

The resulting BCD value with up to 16 digits magnitude and set to the preferred BCD sign (0xc or 0xd).

The POWER9 bcdcfz instruction gives undefined results if given invalid input. In this implementation for older processors there is no checking for Zone (bits 0:3) or digit (bits 4:7) range.
processor Latency Throughput
power8 14-27 1/cycle
power9 3 2/cycle
vrba 128-bit vector treated as a signed Zoned 16 digit value.
a 128-bit BCD value with the magnitude and sign from the Zoned value in vrb.

◆ vec_bcdcmp_eqsq()

static vbBCD_t vec_bcdcmp_eqsq ( vBCD_t  vra,
vBCD_t  vrb 

Vector Compare Signed BCD Quadword for equal.

Compare vector signed BCD values and return vector bool true if vra and vrb are equal.

processor Latency Throughput
power8 15-17 1/cycle
power9 6-9 2/cycle
vra128-bit vector treated as an vector signed BCD (qword) element.
vrb128-bit vector treated as an vector signed BCD (qword) element.
128-bit vector boolean reflecting vector signed BCD compare equal.

◆ vec_bcdcmp_gesq()

static vbBCD_t vec_bcdcmp_gesq ( vBCD_t  vra,
vBCD_t  vrb 

Vector Compare Signed BCD Quadword for greater than or equal.

Compare vector signed BCD values and return vector bool true if vra and vrb are greater than or equal.

processor Latency Throughput
power8 15-17 1/cycle
power9 6-9 2/cycle
vra128-bit vector treated as an vector signed BCD (qword) element.
vrb128-bit vector treated as an vector signed BCD (qword) element.
128-bit vector boolean reflecting vector signed BCD compare greater than or equal.

◆ vec_bcdcmp_gtsq()

static vbBCD_t vec_bcdcmp_gtsq ( vBCD_t  vra,
vBCD_t  vrb 

Vector Compare Signed BCD Quadword for greater than.

Compare vector signed BCD values and return vector bool true if vra and vrb are greater than.

processor Latency Throughput
power8 15-17 1/cycle
power9 6-9 2/cycle
vra128-bit vector treated as an vector signed BCD (qword) element.
vrb128-bit vector treated as an vector signed BCD (qword) element.
128-bit vector boolean reflecting vector signed BCD compare greater than.

◆ vec_bcdcmp_lesq()

static vbBCD_t vec_bcdcmp_lesq ( vBCD_t  vra,
vBCD_t  vrb 

Vector Compare Signed BCD Quadword for less than or equal.

Compare vector signed BCD values and return vector bool true if vra and vrb are less than or equal.

processor Latency Throughput
power8 15-17 1/cycle
power9 6-9 2/cycle
vra128-bit vector treated as an vector signed BCD (qword) element.
vrb128-bit vector treated as an vector signed BCD (qword) element.
128-bit vector boolean reflecting vector signed BCD compare less than or equal.

◆ vec_bcdcmp_ltsq()

static vbBCD_t vec_bcdcmp_ltsq ( vBCD_t  vra,
vBCD_t  vrb 

Vector Compare Signed BCD Quadword for less than.

Compare vector signed BCD values and return vector bool true if vra and vrb are less than.

processor Latency Throughput
power8 15-17 1/cycle
power9 6-9 2/cycle
vra128-bit vector treated as an vector signed BCD (qword) element.
vrb128-bit vector treated as an vector signed BCD (qword) element.
128-bit vector boolean reflecting vector signed BCD compare less than.

◆ vec_bcdcmp_nesq()

static vbBCD_t vec_bcdcmp_nesq ( vBCD_t  vra,
vBCD_t  vrb 

Vector Compare Signed BCD Quadword for not equal.

Compare vector signed BCD values and return vector bool true if vra and vrb are not equal.

processor Latency Throughput
power8 15-17 1/cycle
power9 6-9 2/cycle
vra128-bit vector treated as an vector signed BCD (qword) element.
vrb128-bit vector treated as an vector signed BCD (qword) element.
128-bit vector boolean reflecting vector signed BCD compare not equal.

◆ vec_bcdcmpeq()

static int vec_bcdcmpeq ( vBCD_t  vra,
vBCD_t  vrb 

Vector Compare Signed BCD Quadword for equal.

Compare vector signed BCD values and return boolean true if vra and vrb are equal.

processor Latency Throughput
power8 13 1/cycle
power9 3 2/cycle
vra128-bit vector treated as an vector signed BCD (qword) element.
vrb128-bit vector treated as an vector signed BCD (qword) element.
boolean int for BCD compare, true if equal, false otherwise.

◆ vec_bcdcmpge()

static int vec_bcdcmpge ( vBCD_t  vra,
vBCD_t  vrb 

Vector Compare Signed BCD Quadword for greater than or equal.

Compare vector signed BCD values and return boolean true if vra and vrb are greater than or equal.

processor Latency Throughput
power8 13 1/cycle
power9 3 2/cycle
vra128-bit vector treated as an vector signed BCD (qword) element.
vrb128-bit vector treated as an vector signed BCD (qword) element.
boolean int for BCD compare, true if greater than or equal, false otherwise.

◆ vec_bcdcmpgt()

static int vec_bcdcmpgt ( vBCD_t  vra,
vBCD_t  vrb 

Vector Compare Signed BCD Quadword for greater than.

Compare vector signed BCD values and return boolean true if vra and vrb are greater than.

processor Latency Throughput
power8 13 1/cycle
power9 3 2/cycle
vra128-bit vector treated as an vector signed BCD (qword) element.
vrb128-bit vector treated as an vector signed BCD (qword) element.
boolean int for BCD compare, true if greater than, false otherwise.

◆ vec_bcdcmple()

static int vec_bcdcmple ( vBCD_t  vra,
vBCD_t  vrb 

Vector Compare Signed BCD Quadword for less than or equal.

Compare vector signed BCD values and return boolean true if vra and vrb are less than or equal.

processor Latency Throughput
power8 13 1/cycle
power9 3 2/cycle
vra128-bit vector treated as an vector signed BCD (qword) element.
vrb128-bit vector treated as an vector signed BCD (qword) element.
boolean int for BCD compare, true if less than or equal, false otherwise.

◆ vec_bcdcmplt()

static int vec_bcdcmplt ( vBCD_t  vra,
vBCD_t  vrb 

Vector Compare Signed BCD Quadword for less than.

Compare vector signed BCD values and return boolean true if vra and vrb are less than.

processor Latency Throughput
power8 13 1/cycle
power9 3 2/cycle
vra128-bit vector treated as an vector signed BCD (qword) element.
vrb128-bit vector treated as an vector signed BCD (qword) element.
boolean int for BCD compare, true if less than, false otherwise.

◆ vec_bcdcmpne()

static int vec_bcdcmpne ( vBCD_t  vra,
vBCD_t  vrb 

Vector Compare Signed BCD Quadword for not equal.

Compare vector signed BCD values and return boolean true if vra and vrb are not equal.

processor Latency Throughput
power8 13 1/cycle
power9 3 2/cycle
vra128-bit vector treated as an vector signed BCD (qword) element.
vrb128-bit vector treated as an vector signed BCD (qword) element.
boolean int for BCD compare, true if not equal, false otherwise.

◆ vec_bcdcpsgn()

static vBCD_t vec_bcdcpsgn ( vBCD_t  vra,
vBCD_t  vrb 

Vector copy sign BCD.

Given Two Signed BCD 31 digit values vra and vrb, return the magnitude from vra (bits 0:123) and the sign (bits 124:127) from vrb.

processor Latency Throughput
power8 2-11 1/cycle
power9 3 2/cycle
vraa 128-bit vector treated as a signed BCD 31 digit value.
vrba 128-bit vector treated as a signed BCD 31 digit value.
a 128-bit BCD value with the magnitude from vra and the sign copied from vrb.

◆ vec_bcdctsq()

static vi128_t vec_bcdctsq ( vBCD_t  vra)

Vector Decimal Convert to Signed Quadword.

Vector convert a BCD quadword containing signed 31 digits values to signed __int128, in the range +/- 0-9999999999999999999999999999999.

processor Latency Throughput
power8 80-95 1/cycle
power9 23 1/12 cycle
vraa 128-bit vector treated as a signed 31-digit BCD number.
128-bit vector signed __int128 in the range +/- 0-9999999999999999999999999999999.

◆ vec_bcdctub()

static vui8_t vec_bcdctub ( vBCD_t  vra)

Vector Decimal Convert Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) digit pairs to binary unsigned bytes .

Vector convert 16 bytes each containing 2 BCD digits to the equivalent unsigned char, in the range 0-99. Input values should be valid 2 x BCD nibbles in the range 0-9.

processor Latency Throughput
power8 13-22 1/cycle
power9 14-23 1/cycle
vraa 128-bit vector treated as 16 unsigned 2-digit BCD numbers.
128-bit vector unsigned char, For each byte in the range 0-99.

◆ vec_bcdctud()

static vui64_t vec_bcdctud ( vBCD_t  vra)

Vector Decimal Convert groups of 16 BCD digits to binary unsigned doublewords.

Vector convert 2 doublewords each containing 16 BCD digits to the equivalent unsigned long int, in the range 0-9999999999999999. Input values should be valid 16 x BCD nibbles in the range 0-9.

processor Latency Throughput
power8 40-51 1/cycle
power9 41-52 1/cycle
vraa 128-bit vector treated as 2 unsigned 16-digit BCD numbers.
128-bit vector unsigned long int, For each doubleword in the range 0-9999999999999999.

◆ vec_bcdctuh()

static vui16_t vec_bcdctuh ( vBCD_t  vra)

Vector Decimal Convert groups of 4 BCD digits to binary unsigned halfwords.

Vector convert 8 halfwords each containing 4 BCD digits to the equivalent unsigned short, in the range 0-9999. Input values should be valid 4 x BCD nibbles in the range 0-9.

processor Latency Throughput
power8 22-31 1/cycle
power9 23-32 1/cycle
vraa 128-bit vector treated as 8 unsigned 4-digit BCD numbers.
128-bit vector unsigned short, For each halfword in the range 0-9999.

◆ vec_bcdctuq()

static vui128_t vec_bcdctuq ( vBCD_t  vra)

Vector Decimal Convert groups of 32 BCD digits to binary unsigned quadword.

Vector convert a quadword containing 32 BCD digits to the equivalent unsigned __int128, in the range 0-99999999999999999999999999999999. Input values should be valid 32 x BCD nibbles in the range 0-9.

processor Latency Throughput
power8 65-78 1/cycle
power9 28-37 1/12 cycle
vraa 128-bit vector treated as an unsigned 32-digit BCD number.
128-bit vector unsigned __int128 in the range 0-99999999999999999999999999999999.

◆ vec_bcdctuw()

static vui32_t vec_bcdctuw ( vBCD_t  vra)

Vector Decimal Convert groups of 8 BCD digits to binary unsigned words.

Vector convert 4 words each containing 8 BCD digits to the equivalent unsigned int, in the range 0-99999999. Input values should be valid 8 x BCD nibbles in the range 0-9.

processor Latency Throughput
power8 31-42 1/cycle
power9 32-43 1/cycle
vraa 128-bit vector treated as 4 unsigned 8-digit BCD numbers.
128-bit vector unsigned int, For each word in the range 0-99999999.

◆ vec_bcdctz()

static vui8_t vec_bcdctz ( vBCD_t  vrb)

Vector Decimal Convert To Zoned.

Given a Signed 16-digit signed BCD value vrb, return equivalent Signed Zoned value. For Zoned (PS=0) the sign code is in bits 0:3 of byte 15.

  • Positive sign Zone is: 0x30.
  • Negative sign Zone is: 0x70.

The resulting Zone value will up to 16 digits magnitude and set to the preferred Zoned sign codes (0x30 or 0x70).

The POWER9 bcdctz instruction gives undefined results if given invalid input. In this implementation for older processors there is no checking for BCD digit (bits 4:7) range.
processor Latency Throughput
power8 14-27 1/cycle
power9 3 2/cycle
vrba 128-bit vector treated as a signed BCD 16 digit value.
a 128-bit Zoned value with the magnitude (low order 16-digits) and sign from the value in vrb.

◆ vec_bcddiv()

static vBCD_t vec_bcddiv ( vBCD_t  a,
vBCD_t  b 

Divide a Vector Signed BCD 31 digit value by another BCD value.

One Signed 31 digit value is divided by a second 31 digit value and the quotient is returned.

processor Latency Throughput
power8 102-238 1/cycle
power9 96-228 1/cycle
aa 128-bit vector treated as a signed BCD 31 digit value.
ba 128-bit vector treated as a signed BCD 31 digit value.
a 128-bit vector which is the lower 31 digits of (a / b).

◆ vec_bcddive()

static vBCD_t vec_bcddive ( vBCD_t  a,
vBCD_t  b 

Decimal Divide Extended.

The dividend a is a Signed BCD 31 digit value extended to right internally with 31 decimal 0s. The divisor b is Signed BCD 31 digit value. The quotient of a || 031 / b is truncated to a Decimal integer and returned in Signed BCD format.

processor Latency Throughput
power8 102-238 1/cycle
power9 96-228 1/cycle
aa 128-bit vector treated as the high 31-digits of a 62-digit value extended with 0's.
ba 128-bit vector treated as a signed BCD 31 digit value.
a 128-bit vector quotient of (a / b).

◆ vec_bcdmul()

static vBCD_t vec_bcdmul ( vBCD_t  a,
vBCD_t  b 

Multiply two Vector Signed BCD 31 digit values.

Two Signed 31 digit values are multiplied and the lower 31 digits of the product are returned. Overflow is ignored.

The vector unit does not have a BCD multiply, so we convert the operands to _Decimal128 format and use the DFP quadword multiply. This gets tricky as the product can be up to 62 digits, and _Decimal128 format can only hold 34 digits.

To avoid overflow in the DFP Facility, we split each BCD operand into 15 upper and 16 lower digit halves. This requires up to four decimal multiplies and produces up to four 30-32 digit partial products. These are aligned appropriately (via DFP decimal shift) and summed (via DFP Decimal add) to generate the high and low (31-digit) parts of the 62 digit product.

In this case we only need the lower 31-digits of the product. So only 3 (not 4) DFP multiplies are required. Also we can discard any high digits above 31.

There is early exit case if both operands are 16-digits or less. Here the product can not exceed 32-digits and requires only a single DFP multiply. The DFP2BCD conversion will discard any extra (32th) digit.
processor Latency Throughput
power8 94-194 1/cycle
power9 88-227 1/cycle
aa 128-bit vector treated as a signed BCD 31 digit value.
ba 128-bit vector treated as a signed BCD 31 digit value.
a 128-bit vector which is the lower 31 digits of (a * b).

◆ vec_bcdmulh()

static vBCD_t vec_bcdmulh ( vBCD_t  a,
vBCD_t  b 

Vector Signed BCD Multiply High.

Two Signed 31 digit values are multiplied and the higher 31 digits of the product are returned.

The vector unit does not have a BCD multiply, so we convert the operands to _Decimal128 format and use the DFP quadword multiply. This gets tricky as the product can be up to 62 digits, and _Decimal128 format can only hold 34 digits.

To avoid overflow in the DFP Facility, we split each BCD operand into 15 upper and 16 lower digit halves. This requires up four decimal multiplies and produces four 30-32 digit partial products. These are aligned appropriately (via DFP decimal shift) and summed (via DFP Decimal add) to generate the high and low (31-digit) parts of the 62 digit product.

In this case we only need the upper 31-digits of the product. The lower 31-digits are discarded.

There is early exit case if both operands are 16-digits or less. Here the product can not exceed 32-digits and requires only a single DFP multiply. We use the DFP Decimal shift to discard the lower 31-digits and return the single (32nd) digit.
processor Latency Throughput
power8 106-361 1/cycle
power9 99-271 1/cycle
aa 128-bit vector treated as a signed BCD 31 digit value.
ba 128-bit vector treated as a signed BCD 31 digit value.
a 128-bit vector which is the higher 31 digits of (a * b).

◆ vec_bcds()

static vBCD_t vec_bcds ( vBCD_t  vra,
vi8_t  vrb 

Decimal Shift. Shift a vector signed BCD value, left or right a variable amount of digits (nibbles). The sign nibble is preserved.

processor Latency Throughput
power8 14-25 1/cycle
power9 3 2/cycle
vra128-bit vector treated as a signed BCD 31 digit value.
vrbDigit shift count in vector byte 7.
a 128-bit vector BCD value shifted right digits.

◆ vec_bcdsetsgn()

static vBCD_t vec_bcdsetsgn ( vBCD_t  vrb)

Vector Set preferred BCD Sign.

Given a Signed BCD 31 digit value vrb, return the magnitude from vrb (bits 0:123) and the sign (bits 124:127) set to the preferred sign (0xc or 0xd). Valid positive sign codes are; 0xA, 0xC, 0xE, or 0xF. Valid negative sign codes are; 0xB or 0xD.

The POWER9 bcdsetsgn instruction gives undefined results if given invalid input. In this implementation for older processors only the sign code is checked. In this case, if the sign code is invalid the vrb input value is returned unchanged.
processor Latency Throughput
power8 6-26 1/cycle
power9 3 2/cycle
vrba 128-bit vector treated as a signed BCD 31 digit value.
a 128-bit BCD value with the magnitude from vra and the sign copied from vrb.

◆ vec_bcdslqi()

static vBCD_t vec_bcdslqi ( vBCD_t  vra,
const unsigned int  _N 

Vector BCD Shift Right Signed Quadword.

Shift a vector signed BCD value right _N digits.

processor Latency Throughput
power8 6-15 2/cycle
power9 3-6 2/cycle
vra128-bit vector signed BCD 31 digit value.
_Nint constant for the number of digits to shift right.
a 128-bit vector BCD value shifted right _N digits.

◆ vec_bcdsluqi()

static vBCD_t vec_bcdsluqi ( vBCD_t  vra,
const unsigned int  _N 

Vector BCD Shift Right unsigned Quadword.

Shift a vector unsigned BCD value right _N digits.

processor Latency Throughput
power8 6-15 2/cycle
power9 3-6 2/cycle
vra128-bit vector unsigned BCD 32 digit value.
_Nint constant for the number of digits to shift right.
a 128-bit vector BCD value shifted right _N digits.

◆ vec_bcdsr()

static vBCD_t vec_bcdsr ( vBCD_t  vra,
vi8_t  vrb 

Decimal Shift and Round. Shift a vector signed BCD value, left or right a variable amount of digits (nibbles). The sign nibble is preserved. If byte element 7 of the shift count is negative (right shift), and the last digit shifted out is greater then or equal to 5, then increment the shifted magnitude by 1.

processor Latency Throughput
power8 14-25 1/cycle
power9 3 2/cycle
vra128-bit vector treated as a signed BCD 31 digit value.
vrbDigit shift count in vector byte 7.
a 128-bit vector BCD value shifted right digits.

◆ vec_bcdsrqi()

static vBCD_t vec_bcdsrqi ( vBCD_t  vra,
const unsigned int  _N 

Vector BCD Shift Right Signed Quadword Immediate.

Shift a vector signed BCD value right _N digits.

processor Latency Throughput
power8 6-15 2/cycle
power9 3-6 2/cycle
vra128-bit vector signed BCD 31 digit value.
_Nint constant for the number of digits to shift right.
a 128-bit vector BCD value shifted right _N digits.

◆ vec_bcdsrrqi()

static vBCD_t vec_bcdsrrqi ( vBCD_t  vra,
const unsigned int  _N 

Vector BCD Shift Right and Round Signed Quadword Immediate.

Shift and round a vector signed BCD value right _N digits.

processor Latency Throughput
power8 25-34 2/cycle
power9 3-6 2/cycle
vra128-bit vector signed BCD 31 digit value.
_Nint constant for the number of digits to shift right.
a 128-bit vector BCD value shifted right _N digits.

◆ vec_bcdsruqi()

static vBCD_t vec_bcdsruqi ( vBCD_t  vra,
const unsigned int  _N 

Vector BCD Shift Right Unsigned Quadword immediate.

Shift a vector unsigned BCD value right _N digits.

processor Latency Throughput
power8 6-15 2/cycle
power9 3-6 2/cycle
vra128-bit vector unsigned BCD 32 digit value.
_Nint constant for the number of digits to shift right.
a 128-bit vector BCD value shifted right _N digits.

◆ vec_bcdsub()

static vBCD_t vec_bcdsub ( vBCD_t  a,
vBCD_t  b 

Subtract two Vector Signed BCD 31 digit values.

Subtract Signed 31 digit values and return the lower 31 digits of of the result. Overflow (carry-out/barrow) is ignored.

processor Latency Throughput
power8 13 1/cycle
power9 3 2/cycle
aa 128-bit vector treated a signed BCD 31 digit value.
ba 128-bit vector treated a signed BCD 31 digit value.
a 128-bit vector which is the lower 31 digits of (a - b).

◆ vec_bcdsubcsq()

static vBCD_t vec_bcdsubcsq ( vBCD_t  a,
vBCD_t  b 

Decimal Sudtract & write Carry Signed Quadword.

Two Signed 31 digit BCD values are subtracted, and the carry-out (the high order 32nd digit) of the difference is returned.

This operation will only detect overflows where the operand signs differ. It will not detect a borrow if the signs match. So this operation should only be used if differing signs are guaranteed.
processor Latency Throughput
power8 15-21 1/cycle
power9 6-18 2/cycle
aa 128-bit vector treated as a signed BCD 31 digit value.
ba 128-bit vector treated as a signed BCD 31 digit value.
a 128-bit vector with the carry digit. Values are -1, 0, and +1.

◆ vec_bcdsubecsq()

static vBCD_t vec_bcdsubecsq ( vBCD_t  a,
vBCD_t  b,
vBCD_t  c 

Decimal Add Extended & write Carry Signed Quadword.

Two Signed 31 digit values and a signed carry-in are added together and the carry-out (the high order 32nd digit) of the sum is returned.

This operation will only detect overflows where the operand signs differ. It will not detect a borrow if the signs match. So this operation should only be used if differing signs are guaranteed.
processor Latency Throughput
power8 28-37 1/cycle
power9 9-21 2/cycle
aa 128-bit vector treated as a signed BCD 31 digit value.
ba 128-bit vector treated as a signed BCD 31 digit value.
ca 128-bit vector treated as a signed BCD carry with values -1, 0, or +1.
a 128-bit vector with the carry digit from the sum (a + b +c). Carry values are -1, 0, and +1.

◆ vec_bcdsubesqm()

static vBCD_t vec_bcdsubesqm ( vBCD_t  a,
vBCD_t  b,
vBCD_t  c 

Decimal Subtract Extended Signed Modulo Quadword.

Two Signed 31 digit values and a signed carry-in are subtracted (a - b- c) and lower 31 digits of the subtraction is returned. Overflow (carry-out) is ignored.

processor Latency Throughput
power8 26 1/cycle
power9 6 2/cycle
aa 128-bit vector treated as a signed BCD 31 digit value.
ba 128-bit vector treated as a signed BCD 31 digit value.
ca 128-bit vector treated as a signed BCD carry with values -1, 0, or +1.
a 128-bit vector which is the lower 31 digits of (a + b + c).

◆ vec_bcdtrunc()

static vBCD_t vec_bcdtrunc ( vBCD_t  vra,
vui16_t  vrb 

Decimal Truncate. Truncate a vector signed BCD value vra to N-digits, where N is the unsigned integer value in bits 48-63 of vrb. The first 31-N digits are set to 0 and the result returned.

processor Latency Throughput
power8 18-27 1/cycle
power9 3 2/cycle
vra128-bit vector treated as a signed BCD 31 digit value.
vrbDigit truncate count in vector halfword 3 (bits 48:63).
a 128-bit vector BCD value with the first 31-count digits set to 0.

◆ vec_bcdtruncqi()

static vBCD_t vec_bcdtruncqi ( vBCD_t  vra,
const unsigned short  _N 

Decimal Truncate Quadword Immediate. Truncate a vector signed BCD value vra to N-digits, where N is a unsigned short integer constant. The first 31-N digits are set to 0 and the result returned.

processor Latency Throughput
power8 6-17 1/cycle
power9 6 2/cycle
vra128-bit vector treated as a signed BCD 31 digit value.
_Na unsigned short integer constant truncate count.
a 128-bit vector BCD value with the first 31-count digits set to 0.

◆ vec_bcdus()

static vBCD_t vec_bcdus ( vBCD_t  vra,
vi8_t  vrb 

Decimal Unsigned Shift. Shift a vector unsigned BCD value, left or right a variable amount of digits (nibbles).

processor Latency Throughput
power8 12-14 1/cycle
power9 3 2/cycle
vra128-bit vector treated as a signed BCD 32 digit value.
vrbDigit shift count in vector byte 7.
a 128-bit vector BCD value shifted right digits.

◆ vec_bcdutrunc()

static vBCD_t vec_bcdutrunc ( vBCD_t  vra,
vui16_t  vrb 

Decimal Unsigned Truncate. Truncate a vector unsigned BCD value vra to N-digits, where N is the unsigned integer value in bits 48-63 of vrb. The first 32-N digits are set to 0 and the result returned.

processor Latency Throughput
power8 16-25 1/cycle
power9 3 2/cycle
vra128-bit vector treated as an unsigned BCD 32 digit value.
vrbDigit truncate count in vector halfword 3 (bits 48:63).
a 128-bit vector BCD value with the first 32-count digits set to 0.

◆ vec_bcdutruncqi()

static vBCD_t vec_bcdutruncqi ( vBCD_t  vra,
const unsigned short  _N 

Decimal Unsigned Truncate Quadword Immediate. Truncate a vector unsigned BCD value vra to N-digits, where N is a unsigned short integer constant. The first 32-N digits are set to 0 and the result returned.

processor Latency Throughput
power8 6-17 1/cycle
power9 6 2/cycle
vra128-bit vector treated as a signed BCD 31 digit value.
_Na unsigned short integer constant truncate count.
a 128-bit vector BCD value with the first 32-count digits set to 0.

◆ vec_BIN2BCD()

static vBCD_t vec_BIN2BCD ( vui64_t  val)

Convert vector unsigned doubleword binary values to Vector unsigned 16-digit BCD values.

Convert a vector of 2 unsigned long int doubleword to 2 16-digit unsigned BCD doublewords. Input doublewords should each be in the range 0-9999999999999999.

processor Latency Throughput
power8 69 1/19 cycle
power9 58 1/21 cycle
vala vector unsigned long int.
a 128-bit vector treated a 2 unsigned BCD 16 digit values.

◆ vec_cbcdaddcsq()

static vBCD_t vec_cbcdaddcsq ( vBCD_t cout,
vBCD_t  a,
vBCD_t  b 

Combined Decimal Add & Write Carry Signed Quadword.

Two Signed 31 digit BCD values are added, and the carry-out (the high order 32nd digit) of the sum is generated. Alternatively if the intermediate sum changes sign we need to, borrow '1' from the magnitude of the higher BCD value and correct (invert by subtracting from 10**31) the intermediate sum. Both the sum and the carry/borrow are returned.

processor Latency Throughput
power8 15-24 1/cycle
power9 6-15 2/cycle
couta pointer to a 128-bit vector to recieve the BCD carry-out.
aa 128-bit vector treated as a signed BCD 31 digit value.
ba 128-bit vector treated as a signed BCD 31 digit value.
a 128-bit vector with the low order 31-digits of the sum (a+b). Values are -1, 0, and +1.

◆ vec_cbcdaddecsq()

static vBCD_t vec_cbcdaddecsq ( vBCD_t cout,
vBCD_t  a,
vBCD_t  b,
vBCD_t  cin 

Combined Decimal Add Extended & write Carry Signed Quadword.

Two Signed 31 digit values and a signed carry-in are added together and the carry-out (the high order 32nd digit) of the sum is generated. Alternatively if the intermediate sum changes sign we need to, borrow '1' from the magnitude of the next higher BCD value and correct (invert by subtracting from 10**31) the intermediate sum. Both the sum and the carry/borrow are returned.

processor Latency Throughput
power8 54-63 1/cycle
power9 15-24 2/cycle
couta pointer to a 128-bit vector to recieve the BCD carry-out.
aa 128-bit vector treated as a signed BCD 31 digit value.
ba 128-bit vector treated as a signed BCD 31 digit value.
cina 128-bit vector treated as a signed BCD carry with values -1, 0, or +1.
a 128-bit vector with the low order 31-digits of the sum (a+b).

◆ vec_cbcdmul()

static vBCD_t vec_cbcdmul ( vBCD_t p_high,
vBCD_t  a,
vBCD_t  b 

Combined Vector Signed BCD Multiply High/Low.

Two Signed 31 digit values are multiplied and generates the 62 digit product.

The vector unit does not have a BCD multiply, so we convert the operands to _Decimal128 format and use the DFP quadword multiply. This gets tricky as the product can be up to 62 digits, and _Decimal128 format can only hold 34 digits.

To avoid overflow in the DFP Facility, we split each BCD operand into 15 upper and 16 lower digit halves. This requires up four decimal multiplies and produces four 30-32 digit partial products. These are aligned appropriately (via DFP decimal shift) and summed (via DFP Decimal add) to generate the high and low (31-digit) parts of the 62 digit product.

In this case we compute and return the whole 62-digit product split into two 31-digit BCD vectors.

There is early exit case if both operands are 16-digits or less. Here the product can not exceed 32-digits and requires only a single DFP multiply. The DFP2BCD conversion will extract the lower 31-digits. Then DFP Decimal shift will isolate the high (32nd) digit.
processor Latency Throughput
power8 107-413 1/cycle
power9 115-294 1/cycle
aa 128-bit vector treated as a signed BCD 31 digit value.
ba 128-bit vector treated as a signed BCD 31 digit value.
p_higha pointer to a 128-bit vector to receive the high 31-digits of the product (a * b).
a 128-bit vector which is the lower 31 digits of (a * b).

◆ vec_cbcdsubcsq()

static vBCD_t vec_cbcdsubcsq ( vBCD_t cout,
vBCD_t  a,
vBCD_t  b 

Combined Decimal Subtract & Write Carry Signed Quadword.

Subtract (a -b) Signed 31 digit BCD values and detect the carry/barrow (the high order 32nd digit). If the intermediate sum changes sign we need to, borrow '1' from the magnitude of the higher BCD value and correct (invert by subtracting from 10**31) the intermediate sum. Both the sum and the carry/borrow are returned.

processor Latency Throughput
power8 15-24 1/cycle
power9 6-15 2/cycle
couta pointer to a 128-bit vector to recieve the BCD carry-out (alues are -1, 0, and +1).
aa 128-bit vector treated as a signed BCD 31 digit value.
ba 128-bit vector treated as a signed BCD 31 digit value.
a 128-bit vector with the low order 31-digits of the difference (a+b).

◆ vec_DFP2BCD()

static vBCD_t vec_DFP2BCD ( _Decimal128  val)

Convert a __Decimal128 value to Vector BCD.

The _Decimal128 value is converted to a signed BCD 31 digit value via "DFP Decode DPD To BCD Quad". The conversion result is still in a double float register pair and so is permuted into single vector register for use.

processor Latency Throughput
power8 17 1/cycle
power9 15 1/cycle
vala __Decimal128 in a double float pair.
a 128-bit vector treated a signed BCD 31 digit value.

◆ vec_pack_Decimal128()

static vf64_t vec_pack_Decimal128 ( _Decimal128  lval)

Pack a FPR pair (_Decimal128) to a doubleword vector (vector double).

processor Latency Throughput
power8 2 2/cycle
power9 3 2/cycle
lvalFPR pair containing a _Decimal128.
vector double containing the doublewords of the FPR pair.

◆ vec_quantize0_Decimal128()

static _Decimal128 vec_quantize0_Decimal128 ( _Decimal128  val)

Quantize (truncate) a _Decimal128 value before convert to BCD.

Truncate (round toward 0) and justify right the input _Decimal128 value so that the unit digit is in the right most position. This supports BCD multiply and divide using DFP instructions by truncating fractional digits before conversion back to BCD.

processor Latency Throughput
power8 15 1/cycle
power9 12 1/cycle
vala _Decimal128 value.
The quantized __Decimal128 value in a double float pair.

◆ vec_rdxcf100b()

static vui8_t vec_rdxcf100b ( vui8_t  vra)

Vector Decimal Convert Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) digit pairs from radix 100 binary integer bytes.

Convert 16 radix 100 digits to 32 BCD Format decimal digits. Input is radix 100 digits as binary bytes in the range 0-99. Each byte converted to the equivalent BCD digit pair in adjacent nibbles.

This can be used as the last stage operation in wider binary to decimal conversions.

the nibble high to low digit word is effectively big endian. This matches the digit order precedence of Decimal Add/Subtract.
processor Latency Throughput
power8 24-34 1/cycle
power9 27-37 1/cycle
vraa 128-bit vector treated as a vector unsigned char of radix 100 digits.
128-bit vector unsigned char of BCD nibble pairs in the range 0-9.

◆ vec_rdxcf100mw()

static vui16_t vec_rdxcf100mw ( vui32_t  vra)

Vector Decimal Convert radix 10**8 Binary words to pairs of radix 10,000 binary halfwords.

Convert 4 radix 10**8 digits to 8 adjacent radix 10,000 digits. Input is radix 10**8 digits as binary words in the range 0-99999999. Each word converted to the equivalent radix 10,000 pair in adjacent halfword.

This can be used as a intermediate stage operation in wider binary to decimal conversions.

The high to low digit order is effectively big endian. This matches the digit order precedence of Decimal Add/Subtract.
processor Latency Throughput
power8 18-25 1/cycle
power9 19-26 1/cycle
vraa 128-bit vector treated as a vector unsigned int of radix 10**8 digits.
128-bit vector unsigned short radix 10,000 pairs in the range 0-9999.

◆ vec_rdxcf10E16d()

static vui32_t vec_rdxcf10E16d ( vui64_t  vra)

Vector Decimal Convert radix 10**16 Binary doublewords to pairs of radix 10**8 binary words.

Convert 2 radix 10**16 digits to 4 adjacent radix 10**8 digits. Input is radix 10**16 digits as binary doublewords in the range 0-9999999999999999. Each doubleword converted to the equivalent radix 10**8 pair in adjacent words.

This can be used as a intermediate stage operation in wider binary to decimal conversions.

The high to low digit order is effectively big endian. This matches the digit order precedence of Decimal Add/Subtract.
processor Latency Throughput
power8 51-61 1/cycle
power9 30-40 1/cycle
vraa 128-bit vector treated as a vector unsigned long of radix 10**16 digits.
128-bit vector unsigned short radix 10**8 pairs in the range 0-99999999.

◆ vec_rdxcf10e32q()

static vui64_t vec_rdxcf10e32q ( vui128_t  vra)

Vector Decimal Convert radix 10**32 Binary quadword to pairs of radix 10**16 binary doublewords.

Convert a binary quadword to 2 adjacent radix 10**16 digits. Input is a binary quadwords in the range 0-99999999999999999999999999999999. The quadword converted to the equivalent radix 10**18 pair in adjacent doublewords.

This can be used as a first stage operation in binary to decimal conversions.

Results are undefined if the input value is greater than 10**32 - 1. See Converting Vector __int128 values to BCD for details.
The high to low digit order is effectively big endian. This matches the digit order precedence of Decimal Add/Subtract.
processor Latency Throughput
power8 85-95 1/cycle
power9 56-66 1/cycle
vraa 128-bit vector treated as a vector unsigned __int128 in the range 0-99999999999999999999999999999999.
128-bit vector unsigned long radix 10**16 pairs in the range 0-9999999999999999.

◆ vec_rdxcf10kh()

static vui8_t vec_rdxcf10kh ( vui16_t  vra)

Vector Decimal Convert radix 10,000 Binary halfwords to pairs of radix 100 binary bytes.

Convert 8 radix 10,000 digits to 16 adjacent radix 100 digits. Input is radix 10,000 digits as binary halfwords in the range 0-9999. Each halfword converted to the equivalent radix 100 pair in adjacent bytes.

This can be used as a intermediate stage operation in wider binary to decimal conversions.

The high to low digit order is effectively big endian. This matches the digit order precedence of Decimal Add/Subtract.
processor Latency Throughput
power8 24-34 1/cycle
power9 27-37 1/cycle
vraa 128-bit vector treated as a vector unsigned short of radix 10,000 digits.
128-bit vector unsigned char radix 100 pairs in the range 0-99.

◆ vec_rdxcfzt100b()

static vui8_t vec_rdxcfzt100b ( vui8_t  zone00,
vui8_t  zone16 

Vector Decimal Convert Zoned Decimal digit pairs to to radix 100 binary integer bytes..

Convert 32 decimal digits from Zoned Format (one character per digit, in 2 vectors) to Binary coded century format. Century format is adjacent digit pairs converted to a binary integer in the range 0-99. Each century digit is stored in a byte. Input values should be valid decimal characters in the range 0-9.

Zoned numbers are character strings with the high order digit on the left.
The high to low digit order is effectively big endian. This matches the digit order precedence of Decimal Add/Subtract.

This can be used as the first stage operation in wider decimal to binary conversions. Basically the result of this stage are binary coded 100s "digits" that can be passed to vec_bcdctb10ks().

processor Latency Throughput
power8 15-17 1/cycle
power9 17-20 1/cycle
zone00a 128-bit vector char containing the high order 16 digits of a 32-digit number.
zone16a 128-bit vector char containing the low order 16 digits of a 32-digit number.
128-bit vector unsigned char. For each byte, 2 adjacent zoned digits are converted to the equivalent binary representation in the range 0-99.

◆ vec_rdxct100b()

static vui8_t vec_rdxct100b ( vui8_t  vra)

Vector Decimal Convert Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) digit pairs to radix 100 binary integer bytes.

Convert 32 decimal digits from BCD Format (one 4-bit nibble per digit) to Binary coded century format. Century format is adjacent digit pairs converted to a binary integer in the range 0-99. Each century digit is stored in a byte. Input values should be valid BCD nibbles in the range 0-9.

This can be used as the first stage operation in wider decimal to binary conversions. Basically the result of this stage are binary coded Century "digits" that can be passed to vec_bcdctb10ks().

the nibble high to low digit word is effectively big endian. This matches the digit order precedence of Decimal Add/Subtract.
processor Latency Throughput
power8 13-22 1/cycle
power9 14-23 1/cycle
vraa 128-bit vector treated as a vector unsigned char of BCD nibble pairs.
128-bit vector unsigned char, For each byte, BCD digit pairs are converted to the equivalent binary representation in the range 0-99.

◆ vec_rdxct100mw()

static vui32_t vec_rdxct100mw ( vui16_t  vra)

Vector Decimal Convert radix 10,000 digit halfword pairs to radix 100,000,000 binary integer words.

Convert from 10k digit Format (one 10k per halfword) to Binary coded 100m (one per word) format. 100m format is adjacent 10k digit pairs converted to a binary integer in the range 0-99999999. Input halfword values should be valid 10Ks in the range 0-9999. The result will be binary int values in the range 0-99999999.

This can be used as the intermediate stage operation in a wider BCD to binary conversions. Basically the result of this stage are binary coded 100,000,000s "digit" words which can be passed to vec_bcdctb10es().

the 10k digit high to low order is effectively big endian. This matches the digit order precedence of Decimal Add/Subtract.
processor Latency Throughput
power8 9-18 1/cycle
power9 9-18 1/cycle
vraa 128-bit vector treated as a vector unsigned short of radix 10k digit pairs.
128-bit vector unsigned int. For each halfword, adjacent 10k digit pairs are converted to the equivalent binary word integer representation in the range 0-99999999.

◆ vec_rdxct10E16d()

static vui64_t vec_rdxct10E16d ( vui32_t  vra)

Vector Decimal Convert radix 100,000,000 digit word pairs to radix 10E16 binary integer doublewords.

Convert from 100m digit format (one 100m digit per word) to Binary coded 10p (one per doubleword) format. 10p format is adjacent 100m digit pairs converted to a binary long integer in the range 0-9999999999999999 (10 quadrillion). Input word values should be valid 100m in the range 0-99999999.

This can be used as the intermediate stage operation in a wider BCD to binary conversions. Basically the result of this stage are binary coded 10,000,000,000,000,000s "digits" doublewords which can be passed to vec_bcdctb10e32().

the 100m digit high to low order is effectively big endian. This matches the digit order precedence of Decimal Add/Subtract.
processor Latency Throughput
power8 9-18 1/cycle
power9 9-18 1/cycle
vraa 128-bit vector treated as a vector unsigned int of radix 100m digit pairs.
128-bit vector unsigned long. For each word pair, containing 8 digit equivalent value each, adjacent 100m digits are converted to the equivalent binary doubleword representation in the range 0-9999999999999999.

◆ vec_rdxct10e32q()

static vui128_t vec_rdxct10e32q ( vui64_t  vra)

Vector Decimal Convert radix 10E16 digit pairs to radix 10E32 __int128 quadwords.

Convert from 10p digit format (one 10p digit per doubleword) to binary __int128 (one per quadword) format. Input doubleword values should be valid long integers in the range 0-9999999999999999. The result will be a binary _int128 value in the range 0-99999999999999999999999999999999.

This can be used as the final stage operation in a 32-digit BCD to binary __int128 conversion.

the 10e16-1 digit high to low order is effectively big endian. This matches the digit order precedence of Decimal Add/Subtract.
processor Latency Throughput
power8 25-32 1/cycle
power9 10-19 2/cycle
vraa 128-bit vector treated as a vector unsigned long of radix 10e16 digit pairs.
128-bit vector unsigned __int128. The doubleword pair, of 16 equivalent digits each, are converted to the equivalent binary quadword representation in the range 0-99999999999999999999999999999999.

◆ vec_rdxct10kh()

static vui16_t vec_rdxct10kh ( vui8_t  vra)

Vector Decimal Convert radix 100 digit pairs to radix 10,000 binary integer halfwords.

Convert from 16 century digit Format (one century per byte) to 8 Binary coded 10k (one per halfword) format. 10K format is adjacent century digit pairs converted to a binary integer in the range 0-9999 . Input byte values should be valid 100s in the range 0-99. The result vector will be 8 short int values in the range 0-9999.

This can be used as the intermediate stage operation in wider BCD to binary conversions. Basically the result of this stage are binary coded 10,000s "digits" which can be passed to vec_bcdctb100ms().

the 100s digit high to low order is effectively big endian. This matches the digit order precedence of Decimal Add/Subtract.
processor Latency Throughput
power8 9-18 1/cycle
power9 9-18 1/cycle
vraa 128-bit vector treated as a vector unsigned char of radix 100 digit pairs.
128-bit vector unsigned short. For each halfword, adjacent pairs of century digits pairs are converted to the equivalent binary halfword representation in the range 0-9999.

◆ vec_setbool_bcdinv()

static vb128_t vec_setbool_bcdinv ( vBCD_t  vra)

Vector Set Bool from Signed BCD Quadword if invalid.

If the quadword's sign nibble is 0xB, 0xD, 0xA, 0xC, 0xE, or 0xF and all 31 digit nibbles 0-9 then return a vector bool __int128 that is all '0's. Otherwise return all '1's.

processor Latency Throughput
power8 15 - 39 1/cycle
power9 3 - 15 1/cycle
vraa 128-bit vector treated as signed BCD quadword.
a 128-bit vector bool of all '0's if the BCD digits and sign are valid. Otherwise all '1's.

◆ vec_setbool_bcdsq()

static vb128_t vec_setbool_bcdsq ( vBCD_t  vra)

Vector Set Bool from Signed BCD Quadword.

If the quadword's sign nibble is 0xB or 0xD then return a vector bool __int128 that is all '1's. Otherwise if the sign nibble is 0xA, 0xC, 0xE, or 0xF then return all '0's.

/note For _ARCH_PWR7 and earlier (No vector BCD instructions),

this implementation only tests for a valid plus sign nibble. Otherwise the BCD value is assumed to be negative.

processor Latency Throughput
power8 17 - 26 2/cycle
power9 5 - 14 2/cycle
vraa 128-bit vector treated as signed BCD quadword.
a 128-bit vector bool of all '1's if the sign is negative. Otherwise all '0's.

◆ vec_signbit_bcdsq()

static int vec_signbit_bcdsq ( vBCD_t  vra)

Vector Sign bit from Signed BCD Quadword.

If the quadword's sign nibble is 0xB or 0xD then return a non-zero value. Otherwise if the sign nibble is 0xA, 0xC, 0xE, or 0xF then return all '0's.

/note For _ARCH_PWR7 and earlier (No vector BCD instructions), this implementation only tests for a valid minus sign nibble. Otherwise the BCD value is assumed to be positive.

processor Latency Throughput
power8 15 - 26 2/cycle
power9 5 - 14 2/cycle
vraa 128-bit vector treated as signed BCD quadword.
a none-zero value if the sign is negative. Otherwise return '0's.

◆ vec_unpack_Decimal128()

static _Decimal128 vec_unpack_Decimal128 ( vf64_t  lval)

Unpack a doubleword vector (vector double) into a FPR pair. (_Decimal128).

processor Latency Throughput
power8 2 1/cycle
power9 3 1/cycle
lvalFPR pair containing a _Decimal128.
FPR pair containing a _Decimal128.

◆ vec_zndctuq()

static vui128_t vec_zndctuq ( vui8_t  zone00,
vui8_t  zone16 

Vector Zoned Decimal Convert 32 digits to binary unsigned quadword.

Vector convert 2x quadwords each containing 16 digits to the equivalent unsigned __int128, in the range 0-99999999999999999999999999999999. Input values should be valid 32 zoned digits in the range '0'-'9'.

processor Latency Throughput
power8 67-73 1/cycle
power9 55-62 1/cycle
zone00a 128-bit vector char containing the high order 16 digits of a 32-digit number.
zone16a 128-bit vector char containing the low order 16 digits of a 32-digit number.
128-bit vector unsigned __int128 in the range 0-99999999999999999999999999999999.
static vui128_t vec_divuq_10e32(vui128_t vra)
Vector Divide by const 10e32 Unsigned Quadword.
Definition: vec_int128_ppc.h:4439
static vBCD_t vec_bcdaddesqm(vBCD_t a, vBCD_t b, vBCD_t c)
Decimal Add Extended Signed Modulo Quadword.
Definition: vec_bcd_ppc.h:1955
static vui32_t vec_rdxcf10E16d(vui64_t vra)
Vector Decimal Convert radix 10**16 Binary doublewords to pairs of radix 10**8 binary words.
Definition: vec_bcd_ppc.h:4427
static vui128_t vec_addecuq(vui128_t a, vui128_t b, vui128_t ci)
Vector Add Extended & write Carry Unsigned Quadword.
Definition: vec_int128_ppc.h:2622
static vBCD_t vec_BIN2BCD(vui64_t val)
Convert vector unsigned doubleword binary values to Vector unsigned 16-digit BCD values.
Definition: vec_bcd_ppc.h:1706
static vBCD_t vec_bcdcpsgn(vBCD_t vra, vBCD_t vrb)
Vector copy sign BCD.
Definition: vec_bcd_ppc.h:2563
static int vec_bcdcmpeq(vBCD_t vra, vBCD_t vrb)
Vector Compare Signed BCD Quadword for equal.
Definition: vec_bcd_ppc.h:2387
static _Decimal128 vec_unpack_Decimal128(vf64_t lval)
Unpack a doubleword vector (vector double) into a FPR pair. (_Decimal128).
Definition: vec_bcd_ppc.h:5009
static vui128_t vec_rdxct10e32q(vui64_t vra)
Vector Decimal Convert radix 10E16 digit pairs to radix 10E32 __int128 quadwords.
Definition: vec_bcd_ppc.h:4818
static vui128_t vec_divudq_10e32(vui128_t *qh, vui128_t vra, vui128_t vrb)
Vector Divide Unsigned Double Quadword by const 10e32.
Definition: vec_int128_ppc.h:4327
#define CONST_VINT128_W(__w0, __w1, __w2, __w3)
Arrange word elements of a unsigned int initializer in high->low order. May require an explicit cast.
Definition: vec_common_ppc.h:304
static vui128_t vec_bcdctuq(vBCD_t vra)
Vector Decimal Convert groups of 32 BCD digits to binary unsigned quadword.
Definition: vec_bcd_ppc.h:2745
static vui8_t vec_slbi(vui8_t vra, const unsigned int shb)
Vector Shift left Byte Immediate.
Definition: vec_char_ppc.h:809
static vui8_t vec_rdxcf10kh(vui16_t vra)
Vector Decimal Convert radix 10,000 Binary halfwords to pairs of radix 100 binary bytes.
Definition: vec_bcd_ppc.h:4326
static vui128_t vec_addeuqm(vui128_t a, vui128_t b, vui128_t ci)
Vector Add Extended Unsigned Quadword Modulo.
Definition: vec_int128_ppc.h:2684
static int vec_cmpuq_all_ne(vui128_t vra, vui128_t vrb)
Vector Compare all Not Equal Unsigned Quadword.
Definition: vec_int128_ppc.h:4025
static vBCD_t vec_cbcdaddcsq(vBCD_t *cout, vBCD_t a, vBCD_t b)
Combined Decimal Add & Write Carry Signed Quadword.
Definition: vec_bcd_ppc.h:3869
__vector unsigned short vui16_t
vector of 16-bit unsigned short elements.
Definition: vec_common_ppc.h:204
static vui8_t vec_rdxcf100b(vui8_t vra)
Vector Decimal Convert Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) digit pairs from radix 100 binary integer bytes.
Definition: vec_bcd_ppc.h:4275
static int vec_cmpuq_all_eq(vui128_t vra, vui128_t vrb)
Vector Compare all Equal Unsigned Quadword.
Definition: vec_int128_ppc.h:3804
__vector __int128 vi128_t
vector of one 128-bit signed __int128 element.
Definition: vec_common_ppc.h:235
__vector unsigned long long vui64_t
vector of 64-bit unsigned long long elements.
Definition: vec_common_ppc.h:208
__vector unsigned char vui8_t
vector of 8-bit unsigned char elements.
Definition: vec_common_ppc.h:202
static vui8_t vec_srbi(vui8_t vra, const unsigned int shb)
Vector Shift Right Byte Immediate.
Definition: vec_char_ppc.h:905
static vBCD_t vec_DFP2BCD(_Decimal128 val)
Convert a __Decimal128 value to Vector BCD.
Definition: vec_bcd_ppc.h:1748
vector signed BCD constant +0.
Definition: vec_bcd_ppc.h:1576
static vBCD_t vec_bcddiv(vBCD_t a, vBCD_t b)
Divide a Vector Signed BCD 31 digit value by another BCD value.
Definition: vec_bcd_ppc.h:2870
static vui64_t vec_rdxct10E16d(vui32_t vra)
Vector Decimal Convert radix 100,000,000 digit word pairs to radix 10E16 binary integer doublewords.
Definition: vec_bcd_ppc.h:4769
vector signed BCD constant +9s.
Definition: vec_bcd_ppc.h:1570
static vui128_t vec_srqi(vui128_t vra, const unsigned int shb)
Vector Shift Right Quadword Immediate.
Definition: vec_int128_ppc.h:7154
static vui128_t vec_moduq_10e32(vui128_t vra, vui128_t q)
Vector Modulo by const 10e32 Unsigned Quadword.
Definition: vec_int128_ppc.h:4751
static vui128_t vec_muludq(vui128_t *mulu, vui128_t a, vui128_t b)
Vector Multiply Unsigned Double Quadword.
Definition: vec_int128_ppc.h:5734
static vBCD_t vec_bcdadd(vBCD_t a, vBCD_t b)
Decimal Add Signed Modulo Quadword.
Definition: vec_bcd_ppc.h:1789
static vui8_t vec_rdxct100b(vui8_t vra)
Vector Decimal Convert Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) digit pairs to radix 100 binary integer bytes.
Definition: vec_bcd_ppc.h:4623
static _Decimal128 vec_BCD2DFP(vBCD_t val)
Convert a Vector Signed BCD value to __Decimal128.
Definition: vec_bcd_ppc.h:1663
__vector unsigned __int128 vui128_t
vector of one 128-bit unsigned __int128 element.
Definition: vec_common_ppc.h:237
static vui128_t vec_msumudm(vui64_t a, vui64_t b, vui128_t c)
Vector Multiply-Sum Unsigned Doubleword Modulo.
Definition: vec_int128_ppc.h:5202
static vui128_t vec_vmuloud(vui64_t a, vui64_t b)
Vector Multiply Odd Unsigned Doublewords.
Definition: vec_int128_ppc.h:7733
static vui64_t vec_rdxcf10e32q(vui128_t vra)
Vector Decimal Convert radix 10**32 Binary quadword to pairs of radix 10**16 binary doublewords.
Definition: vec_bcd_ppc.h:4489
#define CONST_VINT128_DW(__dw0, __dw1)
Initializer for 128-bits vector, as two unsigned long long elements in high->low order....
Definition: vec_common_ppc.h:298
static vui8_t vec_mulubm(vui8_t vra, vui8_t vrb)
Vector Multiply Unsigned Byte Modulo.
Definition: vec_char_ppc.h:664
vector signed BCD constant +1.
Definition: vec_bcd_ppc.h:1572
static vui128_t vec_modudq_10e32(vui128_t vra, vui128_t vrb, vui128_t *ql)
Vector Modulo Unsigned Double Quadword by const 10e32.
Definition: vec_int128_ppc.h:4673
#define VEC_DW_L
Element index for low order dword.
Definition: vec_common_ppc.h:324
static vBCD_t vec_bcdcfuq(vui128_t vra)
Vector Decimal Convert From Unsigned Quadword returning up to 32 BCD digits.
Definition: vec_bcd_ppc.h:2083
static vBCD_t vec_bcdaddcsq(vBCD_t a, vBCD_t b)
Decimal Add & write Carry Signed Quadword.
Definition: vec_bcd_ppc.h:1836
static _Decimal128 vec_quantize0_Decimal128(_Decimal128 val)
Quantize (truncate) a _Decimal128 value before convert to BCD.
Definition: vec_bcd_ppc.h:4235
static vi128_t vec_bcdctsq(vBCD_t vra)
Vector Decimal Convert to Signed Quadword.
Definition: vec_bcd_ppc.h:2597
__vector unsigned int vui32_t
vector of 32-bit unsigned int elements.
Definition: vec_common_ppc.h:206
vector BCD sign mask in bits 124:127.
Definition: vec_bcd_ppc.h:1578
static vui128_t vec_adduqm(vui128_t a, vui128_t b)
Vector Add Unsigned Quadword Modulo.
Definition: vec_int128_ppc.h:2739
__vector double vf64_t
vector of 64-bit double elements.
Definition: vec_common_ppc.h:221
static vui128_t vec_mulhuq(vui128_t a, vui128_t b)
Vector Multiply High Unsigned Quadword.
Definition: vec_int128_ppc.h:5387
static vBCD_t vec_bcdsrqi(vBCD_t vra, const unsigned int _N)
Vector BCD Shift Right Signed Quadword Immediate.
Definition: vec_bcd_ppc.h:3335
#define vBCD_t
vector signed BCD integer of up to 31 decimal digits.
Definition: vec_bcd_ppc.h:1565
static vui16_t vec_rdxcf100mw(vui32_t vra)
Vector Decimal Convert radix 10**8 Binary words to pairs of radix 10,000 binary halfwords.
Definition: vec_bcd_ppc.h:4372
static vui32_t vec_rdxct100mw(vui16_t vra)
Vector Decimal Convert radix 10,000 digit halfword pairs to radix 100,000,000 binary integer words.
Definition: vec_bcd_ppc.h:4720
static vui16_t vec_rdxct10kh(vui8_t vra)
Vector Decimal Convert radix 100 digit pairs to radix 10,000 binary integer halfwords.
Definition: vec_bcd_ppc.h:4672
static vf64_t vec_pack_Decimal128(_Decimal128 lval)
Pack a FPR pair (_Decimal128) to a doubleword vector (vector double).
Definition: vec_bcd_ppc.h:4199
#define VEC_DW_H
Element index for high order dword.
Definition: vec_common_ppc.h:322
static vui128_t vec_mul10euq(vui128_t a, vui128_t cin)
Vector Multiply by 10 Extended Unsigned Quadword.
Definition: vec_int128_ppc.h:4903